Skutumpah Canyon




Plate 468X. Skutumpah Canyon 1931 – 2004 Viewed northeast up Skutumpah Canyon. Johnson Wash crosses the photo from left to right. Fire has recently burned the area between the camera and Johnson Wash killing most shrubs. Cheatgrass now dominates that area, although, some crested wheatgrass has become established. Pinyon and juniper have increased. Beyond Johnson Wash, Wyoming big sage is the most common shrub, but some plants have died during the recent drought. The area had not been grazed by livestock when rephotographed in 2004. Globe mallow, rubber rabbitbrush, and needle and thread are also present.

Photo Information:

U.S. Forest Service photograph (264934) taken by Reed W. Bailey in 1931; retake by Charles E. Kay on June 6, 2004 - - Photo No. 5328-27. Original photograph held by the Utah Historical Society, Reed W. Bailey Collection (Box 2, C-439), Salt Lake City, UT. For a 1985 repeat, see Webb et al. (1991:42).

Vegetative Community:

Pinyon, Juniper, Sagebrush


South West: Section 24, Range 5 West, Township 41 South; UTM 378900 E, 4121300 N; elevation 5,760 ft.

January 2018