Kanab Creek




Plate 860X. Kanab Creek 1931 – 2005 Viewed southwest down Kanab Creek above Kanab townsite. An ATV trail now parallels the floodplain. Cottonwoods and willows have increased, as has other woody riparian vegetation, primarily tamarisk and Russian olive. The stream channel has narrowed and is more stable today than in the past. Pinyon and juniper have increased in the distance. .

Photo Information:

U.S. Forest Service photograph (264940) taken by Reed W. Bailey in 1931; retake by Charles E. Kay on June 19, 2005 - - Photo No. 5452-23. Original photograph held by the Utah Historical Society, Reed W. Bailey Collection (Box 5), Salt Lake City, UT

Vegetative Community:

Riparian, Pinyon, Juniper


South West: Section 17, Range 6 West, Township 43 South; UTM 363250 E, 4103300 N; elevation 5,000 ft.

January 2018