Fiftymile Mountain




Plate 465X. Fiftymile Mountain 1875 – 2004 Viewed southeast down Navajo Canyon from Bull Ridge Point on Fiftymile Mountain. The Colorado River - - Lake Powell - - and Navajo Mountain (10,388 ft.) are visible in the distance. Navajo Bench is immediately below Fiftymile Mountain. The view from the original camera station is now obscured by pinyon and juniper, so the retake was made from the nearest open area. Pinyon and juniper have increased on Navajo Bench, except in landslide areas. Cliff rose, Utah serviceberry, bitterbrush, silverberry and Wyoming big sage have also increased on Navajo bench.

Photo Information:

Original photograph taken by John Hillers (No. 842) in 1875; retake by Charles E. Kay on May 19, 2004 - - Photo No. 5325-2. Original photograph held by the U.S. Geological Survey Photographic Library, Denver, CO.

Vegetative Community:

Pinyon, Juniper, Sagebrush


South West: Section 23, Range 8 East, Township 41 South; UTM 498650 E, 4119650 N; elevation 7,550 ft.

January 2018