East Fork Of The Sevier River




Plate 229X. East Fork of the Sevier River 1963 - 2003 Viewed southwest up the east fork of the Sevier River just above its confluence with Crawford Creek. The fence has been removed - - note the sawed-off posts in the retake. Conifers, primarily spruce, have increased while aspen has declined. The shrubs in the retake are mostly rubber rabbitbrush. The area was grazed by cattFle in 2003. Most grass are non-native, with smooth brome and Kentucky bluegrass the most common. An erosional head-cut has progressed into the photo (lower-center left edge) replacing a sedge meadow.

Photo Information:

U.S. Forest Service photograph (509971) taken in June 1963; retake by Charles E. Kay on August 4, 2003 - - Photo No. 5203-32. Original photograph held by Southern Utah University Archives and Special Collections, Cedar City, UT.

Vegetative Community:

Conifer, Aspen, Dry Meadow


South West: Section 26, Range 4 ½ West, Township 38 South; UTM 384500E, 4147600N; elevation 8,150 ft.

January 2018