Duck Creek




Plate 602X. Duck Creek 1969 – 2004 Viewed west up Duck Creek on the Dixie National Forest. An ATV bridge has replaced the old wooden structure. Conifers, primarily ponderosa pine, have increased, while aspen has declined. Some aspen, however, has been able to successfully regenerate because herbivory is low - - livestock use has been eliminated and high human traffic limits use by elk and mule deer (Kay and Bartos 2000). Sedges and rushes line the stream. Willows have increased - - photo left-center edge. Shrubs on the hillside include snowberry, bitterbrush, green rabbitbrush, common juniper, and silver sage. Smooth brome has been planted on the level area between the creek and the far hillside.

Photo Information:

U.S. Forest Service photograph taken by Frank Jensen in July 1969; retake by Charles E. Kay on August 9, 2004 - - Photo No. 5381-22. Original photograph (2350-Dixie-3) held in the U.S. Forest Service Regional Office Photographic Collection housed at Weber State University, Ogden, UT.

Vegetative Community:

Riparian, Conifer, Aspen, Mountain Brush


South West: Section 7, Range 7 West, Township 38 South; UTM 351400 E, 4153800 N; elevation 8,460 ft.

January 2018