Cameron Wash Bench




Plate 114X. Cameron Wash Bench 1951-2002 Viewed southeast on Cameron Wash Bench. This area was root-plowed and reseeded in 1951 as part of the Cameron Wash Restoration Project (see Plates 110x to 113x). The original image was taken shortly after the site was root-plowed to eliminate sagebrush. Today, however, the area has been reinvaded by black sage - - note the wooden post about 100 yds. in front of the camera in both the original and the retake. Pinyon, juniper, oakbrush, and ponderosa pine have all increased on the distant hillsides, as the area has not burned in many years. A new 4 x 4 road is also visible in the retake. The area was heavily grazed by cattle in 2002.

Photo Information:

U.S. Forest Service photograph 472770 taken by T.A. Phillips in May 1951; retake by Charles E. Kay on August 8, 2002 - - Photo No. 5024-5. Original photograph held by the Utah Historical Society, Reed W. Bailey Collection, Salt Lake City, UT.

Vegetative Community:

Sagebrush, Pinyon, Juniper, Oakbrush, Conifer


South West: Section 22, Range 2 West, Township 35 South; UTM 412150E, 4177250N; elevation 7,810 ft.

January 2018