Bowery Exclosure




Plate 1384X. Bowery Exclosure 1952 – 2006 Viewed north-northeast inside the Bowery Exclosure. The exclosure was built by the Forest Service in 1952 after the area inside and outside the fenced plot had been root-plowed and reseeded with smooth brome. The exclosure excludes only livestock, not deer or elk. In general, silver sage has invaded the treated area, while in the distance pinyon, juniper, and conifers have increased. Some aspen stands around the exclosure regenerated 30 years ago when mule deer numbers fell, but not before or since due to repeated ungulate herbivory (Kay and Bartos 2000). Silver sage, currant, snowberry, and bitterbrush are now more abundant inside the exclosure than outside, where cattle graze. There is also more grass cover and litter inside the exclosure, while bare dirt is more common outside the fenced plot. There is also less soil compaction inside the exclosure.

Photo Information:

U.S. Forest Service photograph (unnumbered) taken on July 3, 1952; retake by Charles E. Kay on August 5, 2006 - - Photo No. 5713-17. Original photograph held in the range files on the Cedar City Ranger District, Dixie National Forest, Cedar City, UT.

Vegetative Community:

Conifer, Pinyon, Juniper, Aspen, Dry Meadow


South West: Section 9, Range 8 West, Township 35 South; UTM 345500 E, 4182800 N; elevation 8,000 ft.

January 2018