Big Flat




Plate 143 BIG FLAT: 1947 - 1999 This is a view across Big Flat to the Big Flat Guard Station with Lake Peak, Mount Holly, and Delano Peak in the distance. Although the meadow appears unchanged between the two photos, conifers in the distance appear to have increased while aspen (Populus tremuloides) has declined. All of the aspen stands in the 1999 photo appear heavily invaded by conifers and none of the aspen clones appear to be regenerating.

Photo Information:

1947 photo #447971 taken by the U.S. Forest Service; 1999 photo taken by Kay #4500-28 on Sept. 7. Forest Service photo [2300-R-Scenery] held by the Beaver Ranger District, Fishlake National Forest, Beaver, UT, the National Agriculture Library, Washington D.C.; and the Forest Service Regional Office Photographic Collection [2360-1-Scenic] housed at Weber State Univ., Ogden UT

Vegetative Community:

Dry Meadow, Aspen, Conifer


South Central: Beaver Mountain, Fishlake National Forest, Beaver Ranger District; T29S, R4W, Sect. 19, UTM 4237550 N, 381150 E; elevation 10,160 ft., viewed to north.

January 2018