Salina Wildrye

Common Name(s):
Salina Wildrye
Saline Wildrye
Scientific Name:
Leymus salinus (M.E. Jones) A. Löve
Scientific Name Synonyms:
Elymus salina M.E. Jones
Life Span: Perennial
Origin: Native
Season: Cool
Growth Characteristics: An erect, perennial bunchgrass, with short rhizomes growing 1 ½ to 3 feet tall, with numerous slender seedstalks. Reproduces by seed.
Seedhead: Slender, erect spike, 2 to 4 ½ inches long; spikelets mostly one per node, solitary to slightly overlapping, contain 5 to 9 florets; glumes needlelike, tapering to awn tips, 1/8 to ¼ inch long; lemmas glabrous, awnless to awn-tipped.
Leaves: Mostly basal; blades rolled, firm, scabrous or rarely pubescent at base, and 4 to 6 inches long; sheaths scabrous; ligules short, membranous; auricles present or absent.
Ecological Adaptions:
Salina wildrye is a native grass, principally of the central Utah uplands. It occurs mainly on upland range sites and also on a few semi-desert and mountain sites in Carbon and Emery Counties, and to a lesser extent, in counties to the southwest and southeast of these two counties. Elevations range from 5000 to 7500 feet and rainfall varies from 10 to 16 inches annually.
Soils: It is found mostly on fine textured soils of shale parent material. Soils where it grows vary from shallow to deep and from loams to silty clay loam, often with coarse fragments-cobble, gravel, and stones.
Associated Species: Big sagebrush, shadscale, phlox, saltbush, and Utah juniper.
Uses and Management:
Salina wildrye is fair to poor forage for livestock and game animals, being most useful during the early spring. It is used to a limited extent by upland game birds and songbirds. It is a rather poor erosion control plant in pure stands because of it bunchiness. The foliage is harsh and tough to the touch. Salina wildrye is quite resistant to grazing.