
Common Name(s):
Seaside Arrowgrass
Scientific Name:
Triglochin maritima L.
Scientific Name Synonyms:
Triglochin elata Nutt.
Triglochin elatum Nutt., orth. Var.
Triglochin maritimum L.
Life Span: Perennial
Origin: Native
Season: n/a
Growth Characteristics: Arrowgrass is a wandlike herbaceous, obligate wetland plant 12-40 inches tall with rhizomes. Stems are closely tufted on a proliferating rhizome. Reproduction is from rhizomes and seed. Growth starts in early spring and flowering occurs June-August.
Seedhead: Rather inconspicuous flowers on short pedicels are green and may be several to many, spaced along a spikelike raceme. Fruits are almost cylindrical, up to 1/4 inch long and fall from the plant at maturity.
Leaves: Leaves are linear, 3-8 inches long, narrow and flattened or channeled. Short (less than 1/4 inch), membranous, entire or slightly bilobed ligules are present at the sheathing base.
Growth Characteristics:
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Ecological Adaptions:
Arrowgrass is widely distributed in Utah and is found in wet alkaline lowlands, meadows and swamps at elevations from 4,200-8,800 feet. It is tolerant of saline and alkaline conditions.
Soils: Found in wet soils, and is toleratant of anaerobic conditions common in wet mineral and organic soils.
Associated Species: Associated species in Utah include wet meadow and wetland plants like Baltic rush, Nebraska sedge and red top.
Uses and Management:
uses and management go here
Arrowgrass is occasionally confused with rushes because it is rather inconspicuous and occurs in the habitats often dominated by them. It contains hydrocyanic acid, especially when drought- or frost-stressed, which makes it highly toxic to livestock, even in relatively small amounts ingested (≤¼ pound). It is a common component of wet meadows that are cut for hay. Arrowgrass in cured hay has been reported to cause poisoning in young animals.