Birchleaf Mountain Mahogany

Common Name(s):
Tapertip Hawksbeard
Mountain Hawksbeard
Longleaf Hawksbeard
Tall Hawksbeard
Scientific Name:
Crepis acuminata Nutt.
Scientific Name Synonyms:
Psilochenia acuminate (Nutt.) W.A. Weber
Life Span: Perennial
Origin: Native
Growth Characteristics: A forb which is widespread throughouth the western U.S., reaching a height of 8-28" (20-70 cm). It flowers May-August
Flowers: A loose, flattish or round-topped cluster of 20 – 100 or more narrow flower heads of yellow rays. The flowering head is about 1/2-1" wide. The flowers are all rays, with 5-10 per head. The inner bracts are each 3/8-1/2" long, and at least twice as long as the outer bracts. The bracts are smooth.
Fruits/Seeds: A yellowish or brownish achene, with slender white hairs at the tip.
Leaves: Leaves are mostly basal, 4-16" long, pinnately lobed, with the edges often having teeth. Stem leaves are few and reduced. Both the basal and stem leaves have a grayish-cottony pubescence.
Stems: 1-3 branched leafy stem covered with a grayish-cottony pubescence. The sap is milky.
Roots: Taproot
Ecological Adaptions:
Found on open dry sites in sagebrush communities and coniferous forests.
Soils: Prefers well drained soils.
Associated Species: Big sagebrush, arrowleaf balsamroot, Indian paintbrush
Uses and Management:
Fair to very good forage for livestock.