Shaggy Fleabane

Common Name(s):
Shaggy Fleabane
Vernal Daisy
Low Daisy
Low Fleabane
Dwarf Fleabane
Scientific Name:
Erigeron pumilus Nutt.
Scientific Name Synonyms:
None Known
Life Span: Perennial
Origin: Native
Growth Characteristics: Shaggy Fleabane, as its name indicates, is a copiously haired perennial with several leafy stems that range in height from 5 - 50 cm tall. The stems and leaves are covered with numerous spreading, and sometimes somewhat glandular hairs. It grows from a taproot and branched caudex. The plants may be slightly sticky.
Flowers: The daisy-like flower heads have numerous (50- 100) white, pink, or light blue rays surrounding a narrow (7- 15 mm wide) disk of yellow disk flowers. The narrow ray flowers are usually about 0.7- 1.5 mm wide and 6- 15 mm long while the disk flowers are about 3.5- 5 mm long. The involucre is about 4- 7 mm tall, finely hairy and glandular, with bracts in one row. Flower heads are about an inch wide and consist of many yellow disc flowers surrounded by 50-100 white ray flowers.
Fruits/Seeds: Fruits are achenes, as in the dandelion
Leaves: The leaves are linear with the side opposite the stem slightly wider, olive-green in color, up to 8 cm in length and 8 mm in width. The leaves may be found along the entire stem as well as at the base, but are reduced in size from about mid-stem.
Stems: 4-50 cm tall. Leafy or partially covered with leaves.
Ecological Adaptions:
Shaggy Fleabane is found in dry open places, often with sagebrush. It is found primarily in the valleys and foothills at lower elevations to the higher elevation foothills and sagebrush desert.
Soils: Prefers well drained soils.
Associated Species: Big Sagebrush, Lupine, Utah Juniper
Uses and Management:
Provides aesthetic value in sagebrush communities.