Landslide Preparedness

  • Landslides can be associated with other natural occurrences like changing water levels, earthquakes, erosion, groundwater, human activities, rainstorms, snowmelt, wildfires, and volcanoes.
  • Preparedness is critical, and it is important to create an evacuation plan and have an emergency preparedness kit on hand.
  • Know if your property is prone to landslides, and consult with experts for landslide mitigation steps if necessary.
  • Consider adding landslide protection to your insurance policy.
  • Be aware of potential landslide signs, and evacuate if told to do so.
  • Learn how to avoid hazardous situations, and learn what to do during landslide conditions.
  • Return to a slide area only when you have been told it’s safe by authorities.
  • Make sure any structural repairs from landslide damage are performed by a qualified professional.


Abandoned home in Thistle, Utah slide area
Remnants of a house in Thistle, Utah, the location of a significant landslide in 1983.

Landslides in Utah

Learn about the landslide types in Utah, causes, warning signs, and risk reduction steps.

View Landslide Hazards in Utah Publication