James Wirth
Sustainable Food Intern, Center for Civic Engagement and Service Learning

Contact Information
Phone: 435-512-4589Email: james.wirth@aggiemail.usu.edu
James has been working around sustainable food issues at Utah State University for almost 3 years. This has included: reducing campus waste (food and other resources) to be reallocated to students and community non-profits, starting an edible food garden for the community and USU’s dietetics soup CSA, working hand in hand with dining services, student organic farm, and various AmeriCorps/vista organizations to organize service projects, promoting/ running earth day events and the department office’s student grant writing program for sustainable initiatives. This is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to sustainability initiatives James has had the immense satisfaction of working on. He believes that sustainable practices have to be implemented in our society ground up at the community level in order to create more resilient systems before the worst of climate change is realized. It’s never to late to make a difference, until it is.
James’s role in the USU permaculture initiative has been taking lead for about a year and a half in getting funding, implementing, and organizing the first sanctioned permaculture garden at the USU main campus in Logan, UT.