Hilary Shughart
Permaculture Initiative Coordinator, Bridgerland Audubon Society President

Hilary Shughart is the USU Logan Permaculture Initiative Coordinator. In her first few months she has significantly increased stakeholders, added members to the USU Permaculture Meet-Up group, and orchestrated the implementation of the Hugelkultur and indented Herb Spiral demonstration gardens. As an economist, Audubon Naturalist and Utah Master Naturalist she enjoys working with community-oriented nonprofits in Cache Valley. She served as the founding president of the Friends of the Logan Library where she helped raise $15,000 for the Library Building Fund. As president of the Cache Master Gardeners she coordinated the establishment of a registered Monarch Waystation at Willow Park Zoo, showcasing a native plant pollinator palette featuring milkweed, the only host plant for Monarch butterflies. Hilary also served for years on the Logan Iris Society Board and is the current president of the Bridgerland Audubon Society where she also serves as chair of programs and ensures that news of local environmental events gets out via the free ECONET list-serve. For the past two years Hilary has organized community engagement and educational programs and conferences for the Cache Interagency Council. As a member of the steering committee for the newly formed Wilson Neighborhood Council she fostered an agreement between the City of Logan and the Logan River Taskforce to restore native plant landscaping at Denzil Stewart Nature Park.