2018 Workshops
USU Permaculture: Learn how to Prune Fruit Trees with Local Expert Shane Richards
USU Permaculture Initiative Workshop, Logan, Utah
Introduction to Permaculture Design and its Application in the Desert Southwest
Presented by Dr. Roslynn Brain
Carbon County Master Gardeners Presentation, Price, Utah
Audubon Armchair Garden Series 2018: Native Woody Plants with Larry Rupp
Jim Bridger Room, Logan Library, Logan, Utah
Professor Valley Field Camp Bee Inspired Garden Curriculum
Presented by Dr. Roslynn Brain
Workshop delivered to Canyonlands Field Institute educators, Professor Valley, Utah
USU Permaculture Initiative & Sustainable Living
Presented by Dr. Roslynn Brain
Presentation delivered to the National Civilian Community Corps, Professor Valley, Utah
USU Permaculture: Improving your Perspective of Gardens
Presented by Liz Braithwaite
USU Permaculture Initiative Workshop, Logan, Utah
Sustainable Agriculture in Europe
Presented by Jennifer Reeves
USU Permaculture Initiative Workshop, Logan, Utah
Onsite Water Harvesting
Presented by Dr. Roslynn Brain
Urban Homestead Expo, Jordan Valley Water Conservancy Garden Park, Utah
Introduction to Permaculture
Presented by Dr. Roslynn Brain
Urban Homestead Expo, Jordan Valley Water Conservancy Garden Park, Utah
Native Seed Planting, Upcycling, and Permaculture with USU Extension Sustainability
Tabled at USU’s Earth Day, Logan, Utah
Audubon Armchair Garden Series 2018: What Trees Do for Us with Mike Kuhns
Jim Bridger Room, Logan Library, Logan, Utah
Spring Pollinators
Claire Core, Roslynn Brain, and Jeremy Lynch
Bee Inspired Garden table provided at the Moab Farmers Market, Moab, Utah
USU Permaculture: Planting Lasagna Gardens
Presented by Esther Davis
USU Permaculture Initiative Workshop, Logan, Utah
Featured in the Herald Journal
Audubon Armchair Garden Series 2018: Low Water Landscapes with Adrea Wheaton
Jim Bridger Room, Logan Library, Logan, Utah
Bee Inspired Bike Tour
Bee Inspired Gardens educational tour, Moab, Utah
Building Habitat for Bees
Lynch, J., McCann, R., Adams, J., & Etchberger, R.
USU Moab Permaculture Gardens, Moab, Utah
Audubon High Desert Garden Tour & USU Edible Landscape Tour with Hilary Shughart
Provided as a partnership with the Bridgerland Audubon Society and Logan Library, Logan, Utah
Guided Tour of edible plants on the USU Campus
Audubon Armchair Garden Series 2018: Meadow Lawns with Paul Johnson
Jim Bridger Room, Logan Library, Logan, Utah
Audubon Armchair Garden Series 2018: Landscaping in Utah with Cynthia Nielson Bee
Jim Bridger Room, Logan Library, Logan Utah
Audubon Armchair Garden Series 2018: Secrets of the Soil with Joe Montoya
Jim Bridger Room, Logan Library, Logan, Utah
Onsite Water Harvesting and Permaculture in Moab
Choate, J., Brooks, S. & Brain, R.
Monticello College’s Permaculture Design Certification, Monticello, Utah
Audubon Armchair Garden Series 2018: Logan City Low-Water Garden with Aaron Smith
Jim Bridger Room, Logan Library, Logan, Utah
Hugelkultur Tour: Mound Gardens in River Heights
Tour led by Bill Bradbury
Audubon Armchair Garden Series 2018: Around the World in 40 Gardens with Ben George
Logan Library, Logan, Utah
Moab Festival of Science: Permaculture Tour with Roslynn McCann
Moab, UT

Volunteers Needed: Help Build a Hugelkultur Mound and Indented Herb Spiral at the USU Logan Permaculture Garden
USU Permaculture Initiative Workshop, Logan, UtahInstallation headed by Permaculturist Bill Bradbury
Volunteer Request: Transplanting Herbs
Volunteer Request: Shaping the Hugelkultur Mound
Audubon Armchair Garden Series 2018: Introduction to Permaculture with Roslynn Brain McCann
Logan Library, Logan, Utah
Garden Work Day with Dr. Roslynn Brain
Audubon Armchair Garden Series 2018: Gardening for Native Bees in Utah with Jim Cane
Logan Library, Logan, Utah