USU Extension Offers New Online Health Classes

Utah State University Health Extension offers three new virtual classes focused on stress management, suicide prevention and pain management.
Maren Voss, professional practice Extension assistant professor of health and wellness, will lead the free courses.
“As the COVID-19 year is wrapping up, nearly everyone has been feeling additional stress,” she said. “USU Health Extension is focused on the programs that use an evidence-base to improve health in our communities.”
Voss said the classes are quick, 50-minute, nugget-filled opportunities to get exposure to the ideas that can make a difference.
“They are essentially teasers that offer practical information and ideas you can use,” she said. “Once community members know there is help available, we can direct them toward in-depth information sources and programs that will meet their needs.”
The classes use a variety of teaching methods, breathing techniques, role playing, visualizing and brainstorming to help individuals manage their physical and mental health.
“Along with useful tools, people are exposed to research and information behind the ideas, so they know they can trust what they hear,” Voss said.
All classes will be presented on Thursday, July 8.
At 11:30 a.m. is the Stress Management for Busy People class. The presentation will discuss how COVID-related changes in daily routines have created additional stress and pressure for many individuals. Easy, practical strategies to reduce stress will be provided.
At 5:30 p.m. is the Question, Persuade, Refer Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper online training. The class provides innovative, practical and proven suicide prevention training and will help individuals identify the signs of crisis and how to take steps to make a positive difference.
At 7 p.m. is the Pain Education Self-Management virtual class. It will cover types of pain and how pain impacts daily living, tools to help deal with it, how thoughts and emotions affect pain and skills to better manage it.
Click here or visit to register.
Contact: Maren Voss
Writer: Shelby Ruud