
A solid business plan is a necessary next step. You will need to develop strategy, create a budget, analyze costs of production, and evaluate feasibility under different economic environments.

Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) — Building a Sustainable Business

Description: A guide to developing a business plan for farms and rural businesses that brings the business planning process alive to help today’s sustainable agriculture entrepreneurs.

SCORE — The Startup Roadmap

Description: SCORE is a nonprofit organization and a resource partner of the U.S. Small Business Administration. The Startup Roadmap is a step-by-step, how-to guide for starting a business.

SCORE — Help for Farmers and Ranchers

Description: SCORE is proud to partner with the USDA to provide free business mentorship to help farmers and ranchers succeed. Its website can assist in finding a business mentor near you.

Utah Small Business Development Center 

Description: Business and market planning assistance through one of the many locations across Utah.

AgPlan — 75,000+ business plans have been created using AgPlan

Description: Free online tool which can be used to help develop your business plan. Includes tips and tricks, sample plans, and can be printed and downloaded for work with your own reviewers.

USU Extension Business Management Curriculum

Description: Access curriculum on money and business management, as well as resources for micro entrepreneurs.

Assessing Financial Feasibility

Description: Curriculum on evaluating the financial feasibility of farming and food operations and products.

Planning a Small Scale Agriculture Enterprise

As recent population growth in Utah has resulted in fragmented farmland, this publication provides a step-by-step guide to small scale agricultural enterprises.

Growing Commercial Vegetables

As you plan commercial vegetables, this website contains valuable information on commercial vegetable management, irrigation management, and food safety.

Growing Commercial Fruit Trees

As you plan your commercial fruit trees and berry crops, this website provides guides on Intermountain West fruit, including orchard management considerations, fruit pests and diseases, and other valuable information.