August 15, 2022

Grow Your Happiness

By Aspen J. Wood, USU Extension Intern Cindy Nelson, USU Extension Associate Professor

Women Smiling at Plants

Did you know that something as simple as buying a houseplant can increase your happiness? Taking care of a houseplant can have physiological and psychological health benefits such as:  lower blood pressure and resistance to chronic disease and stress. There are several studies that show a correlation between mental health and caring for a houseplant. A study completed by the Department of Horticulture Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, at Chungnam National University, discovered significant evidence that taking care of low maintenance houseplants can promote a decrease in stress in patients. “Our results suggest that active interaction with indoor plants can reduce physiological and psychological stress compared with mental work.” (Lee et al., 2015). Interaction with houseplants can produce soothing, comfortable, and natural feelings as well as reduce stress levels.

Stress and Houseplants

The act of creating an easy routine as well as taking care of a living thing models self-care. This can decrease stress hormones and give the brain a break from doing mentally exhausting tasks. Our brains love patterns; steady routine mimics a pattern which in turn can make our brain less stressed. Houseplants that are easy to care for make a wonderful addition to the household of anyone who wants to de-stress. Along with the evidence showing the decrease in stress while taking care of a houseplant, there are several other benefits as-well including: improved mood, enhanced cognitive ability, happiness, mindfulness and a sense of purpose and responsibility (Dzhambov, et al., 2021).


In some cultures, plants are associated with happiness. In American culture it is a common practice to give plants as gifts. Typically, plants are given to show love, sympathy, friendship, or hospitality. Because of the culture and emotions surrounding plants, they are a wonderful way to increase happiness within a home.

Mindfulness and Responsibility

Taking care of a houseplant consists of several easy and repetitive steps such as watering, fertilizing, and repotting. The routine of watering a houseplant daily creates a simple pattern for your brain to follow, which can increase your mindfulness. Mindfulness can improve sleep, focus, and memory. Owning a houseplant not only increases mindfulness but also creates a responsibility to its owner (Lee et al., 2015). Regardless of the simplicity of its care, if you fail to take care of them, houseplants will die. Luckily there are several types of houseplants that are very forgiving of forgotten waterings or lack of sunlight. These low maintenance houseplants include Snake plants or Mother-in-law’s Tongue (Dracaena trifasciata), ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia), and Flaming Dragon tree (Dracaena marginata).

Acquire a plant today to better manage your stress and increase your happiness.


Lee, Ms., Lee, J., Park, BJ. et al. (2015).  Interaction with indoor plants may reduce psychological and physiological stress by suppressing autonomic nervous system activity in young adults: a randomized crossover study. Journal of Physiological Anthropology 34, 21.

Dzhambov, A. M., Lercher, P., Browning, M., Stoyanov, D., Petrova, N., Novakov, S., & Dimitrova, D. D. (2021). Does greenery experienced indoors and outdoors provide an escape and support mental health during the COVID-19 quarantine? Environmental research, 196, 110420.