Teen Council
What is 4-H Teen Council?
The Teen Council is a group of youth across community clubs and projects in the county who come together to participate in planning and organizing service activities throughout Juab County. They consist of 4-Hers in grades 7th-12th who learn leadership skills, public speaking skills, and who are ambassadors of 4-H in all they do. To be a member of the Juab County Teen Council youth must come regularly to our monthly meetings and actively participate in events held throughout the 4-H year.
To register your child for Teen Council and help them gain valuable leadership experience, call our office, visit during one of our monthly meetings, or talk to a current teen council member. Joining Teen Council will provide your 4-Her with scholarship opportunities, resume experience, and help them grow in leadership and self-confidence.
Contact Us - 435-623-3450 // 160 N. Main, Nephi, 84648
Frequently Asked Questions
How much will it cost?
Being a 4-H member has a $10 registration fee. Most teen council activities are free of charge. Some of the retreats or overnight activities have a minimal fee involved.
What will I be doing at 4-H Teen Council?
You will be an ambassador for 4-H. You will put the leadership skills taught in 4-H to good use by teaching and helping other youth in the county at community and 4-H run events. You will have fun as you grow as a leader and gain new friends as you help others in your community.
How much commitment and time will it take?
Teen Council meets monthly. This is a planning meeting activity. There are other activities we participate in throughout the year such as state events, and local events, but they vary depending on the time of year.
What benefits are there in being an active Teen Council member?
There are many scholarship opportunities available to assist to further a students' education. Teen council members can earn up to $10,000 in scholarship money by participating!
Did you know?
According to National 4-H data, youth involved in 4-H are two times more likely to go to college, two times more likely to get better grades in school, 41% less likely to engage in risky behaviors, and two times more likely to pursue science careers over their peers. Basically, 4-H makes a difference, so JOIN TODAY!!!
Upcoming Dates
- Monthly planning meetings the first Wednesday of every month 5:00- 6:00 pm at Extension Office.