4-H Horse Programs
For youth to be involved in the 4-H horse program, they need to be in at least third grade and eight years old as of October 1st. There are three groups divided by school grade as of October 1st of the school year.
Juniors: 3rd - 5th grade
Intermediates: 6th - 8th grade
Seniors: 9th - 12th grade
Horse Show Information
The events for this year will include: written test, showmanship, horsemanship, reining, poles, barrels, and the flag race.
This year the state 4-H office is requiring all 4-H enrollment be done online; this enrollment is $10.00. The county 4-H horse member’s fee is also $10. Both of these fees should be paid online or at the Extension office by June 1st. To register for 4-H go to https://4h.zsuite.org/. Once the annual enrollment fee is paid and registration is approved, log in and register for the Juab County Horse Event, and pay the $10 horse fee online or at the office.
We will not be enrolling members at the shows. If they are not enrolled at the office before the first show they participate in, they will not be allowed to show. We also want to mention that after June 1, only members and leaders who have signed up for this year will stay on the current horse mailing list. All members should be enrolled in the different clubs with fees paid before attending any club meetings.
The entry fee for each of the two shows will be $15. To register, choose the summer show event and pay the $15.00 fee online or at the office. The same also applies for the county fair show. At the summer show, tack will be awarded to the top three winners of three selected events. At the county fair show, plaques, cash awards or tack will be awarded to the top three winners in the three selected events.
The overall year end horse awards program will again be conducted. Enclosed you will find the form for this year’s program. There have been a few changes made to help improve the program. One of the biggest changes made this year is that we have expanded our County Contests. This means that our 4-H horse youth may participate in any of the horse related County Contests and receive points. Horse contests include, demonstrations, horse public speaking, horse judging, horse bowl and hippology. To participate in hippology, a four member team is needed. To participate in horse bowl and horse judging, a 3-4 member team is needed. These teams must consist of members in the same age division, 4-H youth can participate in as many of these contests as they would like. Seniors have the opportunity to qualify for and attend State Contests in July. These contests are great ways to expand the 4-H member’s knowledge of horses, which will make them better riders and owners. If your child is interested in participating, please have them contact the office so we can help put teams together and schedule practices.
Utah County 4-H has opened their horse shows up to the youth in our county! This will offer our youth the opportunity to attend more shows and practice with a larger group of kids. Their entry fee is $10, and you must register one week in advance. Call the office for help with registering for Utah County horse shows.
2018 Horse Show and Event Dates
The horse council officers for this year are Rod Wankier, President; Debra Ingram, Vice President; Amy Stanley, Secretary.
This year, we will again be sponsoring the 4-H horse overall year end award contest.
Below you will find the tentative dates for the shows and some of the events for this year
County Contests, June 4 (call to schedule)
County Contest Horse & Livestock Bowl, June 11 (call to schedule)
Portfolio Workshop, June 18 at 9:00 a.m.
Portfolio Workshop, June 19 at 2:00 p.m.
Summer Horse Show, June 21 at 5:30 p.m.
State 4-H Contests (Must Qualify)-Logan July 9-11
Ute Stampede Horse Parade, July 13 at 5:30 p.m.
Utah Co. Horse Show- Spanish Fork, July 30 at 4:00 p.m.
Juab County Fair 4-H Horse Show, August 7 at 10:00 a.m.
Utah State 4-H English Horse Show, August 31- Sept. 1
State 2 Handed 4-H Show- Vernal, September 20
State 4-H Individual Show- Vernal, September 21-22
County Portfolio Deadline, October 1
At the summer and county fair shows, all participants will be required to take the test and enter the Showmanship class. Members will be required to wear a 4-H patch. They are available at the Extension office.
Also as a reminder, all members are required to wear a helmet while in the arena at the shows. At the summer show, the written test will cover just the first half of each book. At the county fair show, the tests will cover the second half of each book.
Horse Club
There will be open practice each Thursday night at the fairgrounds indoor barn or south arena from 6-8:00 p.m. when there is not a major event scheduled. Those interested in joining the club should contact our office.
Remember you need to be enrolled as a current member to utilize the arena at the fairgrounds.