Committee Lead: Frank Vega
Members: Natalie McHale, Caroline Hargraves, Ellie Brownstein, Heather Crockett, Jennifer Bateman, Kurt Clodfelter, LaCee Jimenez, Maria Fernanda Rivera, Shelly Scoresby, Jocelin Gibson
Ongoing Projects: Public website improvement, annual report, social media, collect subcommittee information, statewide data on food and nutrition security, quarterly press releases. See the June 2024 committee update.
For more information, please contact Frank Vega at
Food Recovery
Committee Lead: Carrie Durward, PhD.
Members: Carrie Durward, Sean Damitz, Laura Holtrop Kohl, Adel Pincock, Dana Williamsen, Tina Murray, Megan Fitzklein, Jennifer Garner, Jared Tenney, Nelda Ault-Dyslin, Sarah Elizabeth Garza-Levitt, Suzanne Lewis, Karlee Kump, Soni Scheig, Carissa Christensen, Abby Thompson, Carlos Jimenez, Dani Perez, Temis Taylor, Erica Saunders, Kurt Clodfelter
Ongoing Projects: Collaborate around food waste reduction efforts to address food insecurity; share best practices for food waste reduction; maximize and leverage member expertise around food waste to address food insecurity; collaborate as a statewide coalition of partners to be more competitive in large-scale funding opportunities.
For more information, please contact Carrie Durward at
Nourished Communities
Committee Leads: Lea Palmer
Members: Katie Mazzie, Jonathon Walters, Gina Cornia, Karen McCandless, Kristin Hoch, Palak Gupta, Peggy Green, Cara Murray, Natalie Mchale, Jake fitisemanu, Habiba Nur, Shannon Jones, Casey Coombs, JoDell Geilmann-Parke, Alysia Ducuara, Lily Zavala, Sarah Elizabeth Levitt, Rebekah Anderson, Heather Crockett, Sadie Wilde, Rachel Tibolla, Gene Smith, Melissa Hall, Carrie Durward, Nasser Sharareh, Abiodun Atoloye, Shannon Peterson
Ongoing Projects:
The committee has formed six initial action groups to address various community needs. These groups focus on:
- Nutrition and housing insecurity
- Nutrition security for refugee, immigrant, and migrant worker communities
- Nutrition security and traditional wellness for Indigenous people in Utah
- Nutrition security among college students (Zero Hunger Campus initiative)
- Nourished families
- Nourished youth
Each group targets a specific area to ensure a comprehensive approach to improving community well-being.
For more information, please contact Lea Palmer at
Committee Lead: Lea Palmer
Members: Kaylie Lake, Maria Schwarz, Rachel Bowman, Natalie McHale, Lily Zavala, Frank Vega, Nasser Sharareh, Hannah Martin, Sarah Elizabeth Garza-Levitt, Laura Holtrop Kohl, Natalie Loots, Sean Damitz, Genevieve Daly, Angelo Papastamos, Greg MacFarlane, Habiba Nur, Abiodun Atoloye, Marifer Rivera, Alysia Ducarara, Leticia Goodman, Mckinley Huefner, Kristin Hoch, Ben Chenot
Ongoing Projects:
Developing a toolkit for addressing nutrition security at each stage of the food system; provide a data mapping system to track current efforts and gaps in nutrition security programming across the state. See the June 2024 committee update.
For more information, please contact Lea Palmer at
Committee Lead: Gina Cornia
Members: Maria Schwarz, Casey Slater, Palak Gupta, Jeanette Padilla, Tom Wheatley, Sher Rowley, Hannah Martin, Georgina Griffith-Yates, Keith Mitchell, Kimberly Loveland, Laura Holtrop-Kohl, Ashley Sullivan, Janae Duncan, Sarah Adams, Abidun Atoloye, Angelo Papastamos, Cheryl Lines, Gene Smith, Habiba Nur, Jake Fitisemanu, Kurt Clodfelter, ME Hatch, Natalie McHale, Sarah Elizabeth Levitt, Shelly Scoresby, Tom Hogan, Shireen Ghorbani, Sean Damitz, Natalie Loots, Nasser Sharareh, Marifer Rivera, Kelsey Hall, Kaitlyn Reich, Heather Crockett, Greg Macfarlane, Ellie Brownstein, Ari Van De Graaf, Alysia Ducuara, Spencer Gibbons, Rachel Bowman, Paula Scott, Frank Vega, Lea Palmer, LaCee Jimenez, Kristin Hoch, Katie Mazzie, Justen Smith, Jocelin Gibson, James Toledo, Heidi LeBlanc, Craig Buttars, Clayton Beckstead, Caroline Hargraves
Ongoing Projects: Currently selecting chairs to lead the effort in addressing approximately 30 policy issues that could increase access to food.
For more information, please contact Gina Cornia at
Local Food Promotion
Committee Lead: Natalie McHale
Ongoing Projects: Increase awareness of local food, promote local agricultural products, tailor resources to regional needs, support land access for producers, develop social media plan.
For more information, please contact Natalie McHale at
Committee Lead: Palak Gupta
Ongoing Projects:
For more information, please contact Palak Gupta at