Healthy Relationships Utah

Home Run Parents

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parenting home runs course

Do you want to build a stronger connection with your kids, but aren’t sure how? Home Run Parents teaches you using the Relationship Attachment Model (developed by Dr. John Van Epp), how to manage your relationship with your children and takes the guesswork out of how to build respect, teamwork, loyalty, and appreciation between you and your kids. All of these lessons are taught in a relatable way-through sports-where parents are the coaches and their kids are on their team.

Session Topics:

  • Team Talks: Fostering communication
  • Team Sportsmanship: Improving attitudes of respect
  • Teamwork: Meeting your child’s needs
  • Team Commitment: Building a resilient relationship
  • Team Spirit: Improving connection

Courses are 100% Free!

Register Below. Please note:

  1. Each course is facilitated live by USU educators.
  2. Most courses have multi-sessions (e.g., once per week). Plan to attend all sessions.
  3. Must live in Utah and be age 18 or older to attend.
  4. Virtual and In-person Options (please double check before registering)
  5. Check back for newly scheduled options
  6. Interested in hosting a “private” course for your business or friends? See

parenting home runs

When asked what they learned from this course, participants said:

"GREAT MATERIAL! Especially the Nine-Minute-Miracle. It does make a positive difference. I'm very grateful I took the time to come and learn. Time well spent" - Ryan, father of 4

"Great class! I went in very skeptical, I thought I was doing great as a dad. I found some ways to improve the relationships with my kids. There is lots of information that can help dads across the board." - Josh, father of 3

"Thanks to the facilitator for letting me participate because this class helped me to get even closer to my kids and do the things that I wish I could have done with my dad. I would recommend this class to all the good and bad fathers. You don't have to be bad to take the class. Good fathers need to take it, too. It will help you. It helped me. Thank you very much for the opportunity." - Mauricio, father of 3

"The topics discussed were exactly what I needed; loved the stories and experiences given."

"The instructor was excellent. She helped me clearly understand the concept, the importance of it, and she used excellent examples of real life scenarios that were funny, interesting, and easy to understand."

To learn more about this course by Dr. John Van Epp go to:

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