By Justin F. | May 31, 2024

Traveling with Kids: Tips for Hassle-Free Family Vacations and the Best Family-Friendly Destinations in the Western United States 

family in car on a roadtrip with mom looking at her kids in the backseat

Traveling with kids can be one of the most rewarding yet challenging experiences for any family. The key to a successful family vacation lies in meticulous planning, a surplus of flexibility, and choosing the right destination. Growing up on the East Coast, my family and I took many vacations over the years, hitting beautiful National Parks like Arches, Bryce Canyon, Zion, The Grant Canyon, Rocky Mountain, Mesa Verde and more. I’ve traveled on planes to city destinations, traveled by car to beaches, road-tripped after flying on planes...all of that while being the third of six kids. It’s safe to say that I experienced a lot, seen a lot, and helped my parents out a lot with my younger siblings.  

In this blog, we’ll explore some of the best tips I've learned over the years for a (hopefully) hassle-free family vacation. Then, we’ll get into some of the best travel destinations in the Western United States, especially Utah. We’re a Utah based blog, so we’ve got to represent our state well! Utah, and the other western states, offer a treasure trove of family-friendly destinations that combine natural beauty, adventure, and educational experiences. So, without further delay, here’s a comprehensive guide to making your family vacation (hopefully) hassle-free and unforgettable. 

Tips for Hassle-Free Family Vacations

Plan Ahead 

Research your destination and book travel early. Secure accommodations, flights, and car rentals well in advance to get the best deals and availability. Look for family-friendly hotels that offer amenities like cribs, play areas, and complimentary breakfast. Pools are also a huge plus, and a great way to continue getting your kids good and tired by the end of the day! 

Create a flexible itinerary! While it’s good to have a plan, be flexible to accommodate unexpected events like weather changes or a child’s mood. I remember being in the car in Alaska, driving near daily by Denali. My youngest brother was only about 6 weeks old, and the only time we saw Denali in clear blue skies was while we were...driving. My parents weren’t about to stop the car, create commotion, and wake the sleeping baby!  

Pack Smart 

If you’re traveling by plane, always carry essential items such as medications, first aid kit, diapers, wipes, and a change of clothes in your carry-on. Keep some of their favorite snacks nearby in case they don’t like the in-flight options. If you’re traveling by car, keep a small bag up front, or, let one of your older kids take charge of snacks in the backseat. Allow them to distribute snacks when you say it’s okay! 

Make sure to pack some sort of entertainment! Pack books, toys, tablets, and headphones to keep children entertained during travel. Download movies, games, and apps in advance. For younger kids, Play-Doh is a great for long road-trips or flights and it isn’t messy! Keep toys with moving pieces at home, since parts can easily be lost.

Keep Kids Engaged 

Incorporate interactive and educational activities such as visiting museums, zoos, and national parks that offer junior ranger programs. They can decide what they want to do when visiting and have a sense of responsibility, especially with the junior ranger program. Help them along in their endeavor!  

Involve your kids in the planning! Let children help choose activities or destinations. This can make them more excited and engaged during the trip. Whenever my family and I went camping, we’d always have a list of hikes we wanted to do. Either the night before or the day of the hike, we would all choose a hike to do together, and maybe even plan to do a different hike another day. It was a way to have everyone do something they wanted to do!

Stay Organized 

Create a packing list for each family member to ensure nothing is forgotten. My mother always made us packing lists, and she had different lists for different length trips. Then, the day before the trip, we’d pack up our belongings, and our parents would check to make sure we packed the correct things! It's a good idea to have a section that has “last-minute items” - things like toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, blanket, stuffed animal, and other last-minute items! 

Keep all important documents like passports, tickets, and reservations in one accessible place. Using a Ziplock bag ensures it’s all in the same place – just make sure you don’t lose the bag!

Healthy Snacks and Hydration 

Pack healthy snacks like fruits, nuts, and granola bars to avoid the temptation of unhealthy fast food. Make sure to either portion our snacks from larger bags before you leave, or just bring smaller, snack-sized bags with you for ease. Also, remember to pack a trash bag (or several) in your car if you’re taking a road-trip! It's best to keep this up front in the passenger’s seat. 

Carry reusable water bottles and encourage frequent hydration, especially in dry or high-altitude destinations. Make sure to check and see if your kids are drinking their water – they'll likely need more than they do on a regular basis, especially if physical or strenuous activity is involved.

Safety First 

Childproofing: Bring along outlet covers and other childproofing items if you’ll be staying in non-childproofed accommodations. Things like faucet covers for bathtubs or locks for cabinets might be more useful than you’d think! 

Emergency Plan: Discuss a simple emergency plan with your kids in case someone gets lost or separated. Make sure that everyone knows the plan and everyone knows the destination as well. If you have older and younger kids, put the older kids in charge of the younger kids!   

Best Family-Friendly Travel Destinations in the Western United States  

The Western United States is renowned for its diverse landscapes, ranging from majestic mountains and lush forests to arid deserts and stunning coastlines. Here are some of the top family-friendly destinations, with a special focus on Utah.

Zion National Park, Utah

The Virgin River in Zion National Park with mountains in the background

Zion National Park is a haven for families, offering a range of hiking trails suitable for all ages. The Riverside Walk, a paved trail along the Virgin River, is perfect for strollers and young children. More adventurous families can explore the Emerald Pools Trail, which features waterfalls and stunning views. The park’s shuttle system is a convenient way to navigate the main canyon, reducing traffic and parking hassles. Additionally, the Junior Ranger Program engages kids with fun activities and educational insights into the park’s unique ecosystem and history. 

Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah

hoodoos on a trail in bryce canyon national park

Bryce Canyon National Park is renowned for its surreal landscape of hoodoos—tall, thin spires of rock that captivate both children and adults. The park offers several short hikes, such as the Queens Garden Trail, which is both easy and incredibly scenic. Bryce Canyon’s high elevation provides cooler temperatures, making summer visits particularly pleasant. One of the highlights for families is the park’s astronomy programs, where ranger-led stargazing events reveal the wonders of the night sky in one of the darkest places in America. The park’s visitor center also has interactive exhibits that are both educational and engaging for kids.  

Arches National Park, Utah

Home to over 2,000 natural stone arches, Arches National Park is a visual feast for children and adults alike. The Delicate Arch, perhaps the most famous, is a must-see, though it involves a moderate hike. For easier access, the Windows Section offers several short, easy trails to some of the park’s largest arches, such as Double Arch and North Window. The park also has educational programs where kids can learn about the geology and history of these incredible formations. The visitor center provides helpful resources, including maps and activity guides tailored for families.

Salt Lake City, Utah

sunset over salt lake city with Utah State Capitol in the foreground

Salt Lake City combines urban amenities with outdoor adventure, making it a great base for family vacations. Families can explore the Natural History Museum of Utah, which features interactive exhibits on dinosaurs, ecosystems, and human history. The Hogle Zoo and Tracy Aviary offer opportunities for kids to learn about wildlife and conservation efforts. In the winter, nearby ski resorts like Park City offer family-friendly slopes and ski lessons for all ages. Additionally, the Great Salt Lake provides unique recreation opportunities, including bird watching, sailing, and floating in its buoyant waters.  

Dinosaur National Monument, Utah

Dinosaur National Monument straddles the Utah-Colorado border and is a thrilling destination for young paleontologists. The Quarry Exhibit Hall allows visitors to view over 1,500 dinosaur fossils still embedded in the cliff face, offering a glimpse into the prehistoric past. Besides fossil viewing, the park offers numerous outdoor activities such as rafting on the Green River, hiking through canyons, and camping under the stars. Kids can participate in the Junior Ranger Program to earn badges while learning about the area's natural and cultural history. The visitor center provides educational materials and guided tour options that enhance the experience for families.   

Other Notable Destinations in the Western U.S.   

Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona

view of sunset over the Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon is a breathtaking natural wonder that offers a variety of activities suitable for families. The South Rim is particularly family-friendly, with numerous viewpoints accessible by car and short, easy trails like the Rim Trail. The park’s Visitor Center and the Yavapai Geology Museum provide interactive exhibits that help children understand the canyon's formation and history. Ranger-led programs and the Junior Ranger Program offer educational opportunities and hands-on activities. For a unique perspective, families can also enjoy a mule ride or a rafting trip down the Colorado River.  

Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming/Montana/Idaho 

America’s first national park, is a wonderland of geothermal features and diverse wildlife. Kids will be fascinated by the geysers, hot springs, and mud pots, with Old Faithful being a must-see attraction. The park offers numerous family-friendly hikes, such as the easy walk to the Grand Prismatic Spring overlook. Wildlife watching is a highlight, with opportunities to see bison, elk, bears, and wolves, especially in Lamar Valley. The park’s visitor centers have educational exhibits, and the Junior Ranger Program provides engaging activities for children.

San Diego, California

sunset over the water in San Diego

San Diego is a paradise for family vacations, offering a perfect blend of beaches, parks, and attractions. Families can spend a day at La Jolla Shores, a family-friendly beach ideal for swimming, surfing, and picnicking. Balboa Park, home to the world-famous San Diego Zoo, also features a variety of museums and gardens that cater to children’s interests. SeaWorld San Diego offers marine animal shows, interactive exhibits, and thrilling rides, while LEGOLAND California is perfect for younger kids with its themed rides and Lego-building activities. Additionally, San Diego’s mild climate makes it a year-round destination.

Lake Tahoe, California/Nevada

Shoreline of Lake Tahoe featuring crystal clea water, rocks, trees, and mountains far in the background

Lake Tahoe is a versatile destination that offers a plethora of activities for families throughout the year. In the winter, families can enjoy skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing at one of the many ski resorts, which often provide lessons and activities for children. Summer brings opportunities for swimming, kayaking, and paddleboarding in the clear blue waters of the lake. The area also features numerous hiking and biking trails suitable for all ages, such as the family-friendly Tahoe Rim Trail. Many resorts around the lake offer kids’ programs and amenities, ensuring that young travelers are entertained and engaged.  

Making the Most of Your Family Vacation   

To ensure your family vacation is smooth and enjoyable, consider these additional tips: 

Try local foods and delicacies. This can be an educational experience for kids and a fun way to explore the culture of your destination. It’ll also likely force you to explore family-owned restaurants, something you may skip over in your hometown. Pick one or two and have some fun on your vacation! 

Make sure to schedule downtime to rest and relax. Overloading your itinerary can lead to burnout, especially for younger children. If you’re at a hotel, go enjoy the pool or other hotel amenities. Some have mini-golf, movie theaters, giant chess, or other sport courts. 

Make sure to capture memories! Encourage children to keep a travel journal or take photos. This not only preserves memories but also keeps them engaged. When all of my siblings and I were younger, we’d get a disposable camera from our parents to take pictures. It was always awesome getting to use that on vacation and then seeing the photos later on. One time, at Crater Lake, I filled an entire disposable camera with about an hour's time. Hey, it’s what I wanted as a four-year-old boy!

Traveling with kids requires extra effort and planning, but the rewards are well worth it. By following these tips for hassle-free family vacations and choosing family-friendly destinations, you can create lasting memories and foster a love of travel in your children. The Western United States, with its diverse landscapes and plethora of activities, offers an ideal setting for family adventures. Whether you’re exploring the natural wonders of Zion and Bryce Canyon or delving into the prehistoric past at Dinosaur National Monument, these experiences will enrich your family’s bond and create stories to be cherished for years to come.

Related Resources

Nurture and Compassion: The Heart of Parenting 

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