By Abigail P. | April 2, 2024

3 Ways to Nurture Your Love and Sustain Your Marriage During the Chaos of Parenthood

mother sitting with her son and daughter at a table

After becoming parents, you might find that the spark between you and your partner becomes less alive amidst all of the chaos of welcoming a new baby. While it is no doubt a magical and joyful experience, it is, in all aspects, a life changing one. It can be easy for the connection between partners to get lost in the whirlwind of parenthood. In this blog, we'll explore a few crucial and often overlooked strategies for keeping the flame alive in your marriage after having kids: the importance of weekly date nights, designating no-screen time, and working together for tasks to better navigate the journey of parenting together. 

Weekly Date Nights 

The demands of parenting can be overwhelming, leaving couples feeling like they don’t have one-on-one time to spend together. Amid the busy days and sleepless nights, it becomes essential to prioritize one another. Weekly date nights can serve as a lifeline for many couples, giving one another the opportunity to reconnect and catch up on a deeper level.  

The key to having a successful date night lies in consistency and creativity. Schedule a dedicated evening each week, whether it's a romantic dinner, a walk around the block, or an at-home movie night. If you can’t get a babysitter, bring the baby along! Most importantly, it’s about making an effort to break away from your mundane daily routine and rediscover the joy and excitement that brought you two together. 

By setting aside this time, you give yourself a chance to reminisce with each other, discuss your dreams for the future, and enjoy each other's company in a new setting. 

You might even consider exploring new activities together! Whether it's taking a dance class, a cooking class, or finding a new shared hobby, these experiences can bring a new layer of excitement to your relationship.  

Designated No-Screen Time 

With screens having become an integral part of everyone’s lives, they can often hinder precious moments with the people we love. You might find that even when you and your spouse are alone together, you are glued to your screens. This can create a wedge between partners, getting in the way of genuine quality time and the emotional connection that is so necessary to sustain a healthy marriage. 

To combat this, consider implementing designated no-screen time in your daily routine. It might be easiest to implement this at night after the baby goes to sleep and you’re able to spend one-on-one time together. Whenever that time is for you, decide that your phones are off-limits! Force yourselves to talk, as silly as that sounds. Intentionally unplugging gives you two the chance to have real conversations, creating an environment where you’re able to connect on a deeper level without the distraction of screens. 

No-screen time also creates an environment for shared activities. Instead of scrolling through your phone or watching TV separately, find activities that you both enjoy! That could be playing a board game you love, finding a fun recipe and cooking together, or taking an evening walk. These shared experiences can help strengthen the bond between partners and create memories and traditions that will last a lifetime. Along with designated no-screen time, consider establishing tech-free zones within your home. For example, deciding that the bedroom will be screen-free can help to create an environment that better fosters intimacy and connection. 

Don’t Split Up for Tasks 

The division of household responsibilities is a common practice among couples, especially when children enter the picture, but it might be worth your while to consider working together on tasks like cleaning, grocery shopping, putting the kids to bed, etc. Instead of saying, “You stay home, I’ll run to the store,” go together. This might not work for everyone, and for some tasks it is certainly more efficient to divide and conquer, but maintaining a sense of unity might help you to approach parenting as a team effort and give you quality bonding time as a couple and as a family. 

When spouses work together seamlessly, it not only lightens the individual workload but also creates a sense of shared responsibility and mutual support. A collaborative approach can strengthen the emotional connection between spouses as they navigate the joys and challenges of parenthood together rather than separately. 

Consider creating a shared schedule for household chores and parenting duties. This ensures that both spouses are actively involved in various aspects of family and home life. By facing the ups and downs of parenting as a united front, couples can build a resilient foundation for their marriage.

Amidst the fun and chaotic journey of parenthood, the upkeep of a thriving marriage requires intentional effort and prioritization on both ends. Weekly date nights, designated no-screen time, and taking a unified approach to tasks all serve as essential tools for nurturing your love for each other despite the challenges that come with raising children. By investing your time and energy into each other and into these strategies (in a way that works for you!), couples learn to not only weather the storms of parenthood but also cultivate a stronger and more resilient connection that will carry them through the various seasons of life.  

If you’re looking for more parenting or relationship guidance and tips, we’ve got you covered on all platforms. Go check out our other blogs that cover actively improving your relationship and understanding the different attachment styles in a relationship. Remember to visit our Pinterest page where we post pins covering all areas of relationships, including parenting, dating, and marriage! 

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