By Lily W. | June 25, 2024

 5 Sentimental Ideas To Do On Your Honeymoon As Newlyweds

couple on a beach forming a heart with their hands while looking at the camera

I am getting married in a few weeks and I have been racking my brain for some special and unique things my fiancé and I could incorporate into our honeymoon. I am a sentimental person and love to have little keepsakes from moments in my life. For example, I still have homework assignments from the first grade. In this blog I will share a few ideas I’ve come up with that I am personally planning to try! Whether you are soon to be married, looking for ways to create greater connection in your relationship or celebrating your 50th anniversary, these ideas could be fun for you!

Capture Moments on Camera

polaroid on a table surrounded by fairy lights

I love Polaroid pictures. I think it’s so fun to have tangible pictures around, especially ones as cute as Polaroids. If you have a Polaroid camera, make sure to pack it! I’m sure there will be many moments you want to remember from your honeymoon. If you don’t have a Polaroid camera, no worries! Just remember to snap some pictures and you can print them once you get back!  

There are so many fun things you can do with printed photos. You can make a scrapbook, make a picture wall, or simply display them on the fridge. This could even lead to a new family tradition where you take a picture of every new place you travel to and add a photo to your wall or scrapbook.  

Make A Dream Board

couple with paper making dream boards 

I recently heard of this idea and thought it would be so fun!  I am a dreamer, so I am a sucker for anything that involves talking about dreams.  

First you set up a determined timeline. For my fiancé and I, we are going to do our first year of marriage. For you, it could be the next 6 months, the next 5 years, or whatever you want. Once you have a timeline, you can either draw or list out what you dream to do in that space of time. I know for me, for our first year of marriage, I want to visit Redwoods in California, plant a garden, and go camping. I will be adding those to our dream board! 

I am intrigued to see what my fiancé will put on the board. I think that’s part of the fun. Not only do you get to share your dreams, and make some together, you can learn more about your spouse's dreams! 

“Why I Love You” Videos 

 couple looking at a tablet watching a video

This idea is the one I am most excited to try. I want both my fiancé and I to separately take a video, expressing why we love the other person, right before we get married. Then at some point on the honeymoon, we can show each other our videos! 

Then, this is my favorite part, on our future anniversaries, we go rewatch the videos and remind ourselves and each other, why we chose to love them. I can imagine that as life goes on and challenges come up, we can forget sometimes why we chose to love our spouse or wonder if we made the right choice. I think it would be fun, romantic, and special to be able to go back and watch a video of you so in love with this person.  

Plus, just imagine you, years down the road, celebrating 50 years of marriage, and watching that video? Sounds like a pure moment to me. 

Love Letter 

love letter on table with a pen and scattered rose petals  

I love letters! I have letters stashed in my special box that I got when I was 5. I think it would be so cute to write love letters to each other for every anniversary. Honestly, I think love letters at any time of the year are awesome, but we will start with the anniversaries and work our way up. If you are getting married soon, try writing a love letter to your fiancé, and surprising them with it on the honeymoon! You do not have to be a Shakespeare to write a love letter. The fact that it is a sincere expression of your love is enough. Grammar and spelling in items like this do not matter too much.  

You could even write a love letter to them while on your honeymoon and wait to give it to them until a few weeks after. The letter could be a fun reminder of the honeymoon and a fun spontaneous gift! 

Time Capsule

AI-generated photo showing man and woman with a large time capsule box 

In elementary school we made time capsules for one of my classes. We “buried” them at the beginning of the year and opened them at the end. It was fun to see how our likes and dreams had changed from even just a few months earlier.  

I think that doing this as a couple could create a fun opportunity for reminiscing in the future. What you choose to put in the time capsule is solely up to the two of you! You could put pictures, a list of your favorite foods, what you think your life will look like in “X” number of years, or any memoirs from your relationship. Then, close the box and do not look at it for however long you designate.  

I imagine that as the years pass your likes will change and your dreams will change. It would be fun to see what you thought your life together would look like when you first got married. It would also be fun to look back at pictures from when you were that age and talk about the beginning days of your marriage.  

There are lots of fun sentimental things you can incorporate into your honeymoon! What's important is that you are having fun and that you are making memories that you will be able to look back on and enjoy. Don’t forget to take pictures and to let each other know how much you appreciate the other person!

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Justin Fague reviewed this article. To reach out, please email