By Olivia W., Lily W. | June 13, 2024

29 Additional Ideas for a Second Date

man holding flowers behind his back as he approaches a girl who's smiling at him

Hey there! We are glad to see you back for more second date ideas. There is so much to be discovered in the early stages of dating and we want to help you out when planning those few first dates of a potential relationship. If you haven’t had a chance to check out our other blog full of second date ideas, check it out here! It can often be a struggle when coming up with date night ideas and if you happen to be running on a cheaper budget, or no budget at all, check out our blog 39 Free Date Ideas. If you are returning for part 2, settle in and get ready for a few more great ideas for a second date!  


There is almost always a place located near you for axe-throwing. If you’ve never been before, check it out on a second date! It’s a great date to keep the vibe casual and fun while adding a bit of a competitive element.  

Rock Climbing 

Whether you find an indoor climbing gym or have equipment to go outdoors, rock climbing is such a fun activity! Start building the kind of trust you want within a relationship early on and go climbing.  

Amusement Park 

Who doesn’t love a fun day at an amusement park? Take a second date at your closest amusement park. Make sure to wear a good pair of walking shoes and get ready to have some fun. 

Karaoke Night 

Second dates can still feel awkward and intimidating, so what better than to break the ice with some karaoke! Karaoke is the perfect date to let loose and be goofy. Find a fun song you can sing together and have fun with it. 

Poetry Night 

You may not know it yet, but poetry night might be your next favorite thing. Search online to find a poetry reading near you and get on that second date. Bring a poem to read if is open mic or just sit back and listen! 

Attend A New Restaurant  

Trying out a new restaurant is never a bad idea for a second date. Find a place neither of you have been to before and order a fun dish to try! 

Pottery Class 

Ever been to a pottery class? Find a spot near you and wear clothes you don’t mind getting dirty. You can even make things for one another to make it more fun!  

Go For A Run 

Running may not be everyone’s favorite thing but it can be great when it’s just for fun. Begin at a slow jog and be open for some conversation. Finding a park and pretty trail is a good idea too!  

Meet Some Friends 

Get together a few friends and have a casual hang out. A barbeque or small picnic is a great idea to mingle with one another and allow for your friends to get to know your date!  

Watch the Sunset 

If you think a date night watching the sunset is boring or cliché, think again! Drive to a pretty look out and take some time to relax. Talk about things that are important to you when it comes to a relationship or get to know one another better.  

Attend A Play 

Plays and musicals are something almost anyone can enjoy! Do some research online to see if there is anything showing near you and grab some tickets. It is always great to be able to support community events.  

Batting Cages 

Ever been to the batting cages before? Whether it was something you grew up doing or have never been before, it can be such a fun activity! Batting cages can be hard to find these days so if you have one near you, take advantage and get on that second date.  

Game Night 

The great thing about a game night is that you can either opt for an at-home game night and create a more intimate setting for you and your date; or go out to an arcade or similar location that has unlimited game options.  

Escape Room 

Like a game night, escape rooms are a fun activity to invoke teamwork and see how the two of you work together. You might even want to bring a few other couples along to have some friendly competition. 

Day At The Carnival 

This date may be best for summer months, when the weather is nice and there are plenty of community events taking place. Go for a full day, or just the evening, and see how many rides you can ride!  

Botanical Garden 

Botanical gardens are all the rage these days. They are filled with beautiful plants and flowers, often both indoor and outdoor. Purchase two tickets and go for a second date!  

Hockey Game 

Sport games are great date ideas! Check out the nearest rink and watch them tear up the ice. Remember to bring a jacket because it can sometimes be cold in ice arenas.  

Baseball Game 

Enjoy the warm weather and each other’s company at a baseball game. While you’re at it get some nachos or other concessions to share. Baseball games are a great way to spend summer evenings.  

Play A New Sport 

Learning new things is always fun and when you do it with another person it creates a lot of opportunities to laugh with each other. Plus, who knows, maybe this sport will end up being of your favorite couple hobbies. 

Go For A Drive 

Drive around town and try to discover roads neither of you have ever been on. Going on a drive creates great opportunity for conversation. It also gives you a chance to scope out their musical taste and jam out to some great tunes! 

Have A Bonfire 

Summer means it’s fire season. Take your date to a bonfire and enjoy the outdoors late at night. Why not create some sparks on the second date? If you’re lucky, stars might pop out while you’re enjoying the fire – extinguish the flame fully and gaze up at the universe above! 

Bike Ride 

Bike rides are a great way to be active on a date! It’s not overly strenuous and you can still chat while you ride. Cruise around town and why not have a race or two while you’re at it?  


Swimming can be indoor or outdoor. Find a water park, rec center or lake near you and let the fun begin. This is a great way to spend time outdoors in the summer without getting too hot.  

Shoot Some Pool 

Pool is a great date activity. It is competitive yet slow paced enough for conversation. See how competitive both of you are by making a wager out of the game.  

Arcade Night 

Go to the nearest arcade, buy a few tokens and spend as much time as you want playing games! You can either compete against each other to see who can win the most tickets.  Or you can start working on your teamwork abilities and work together to buy a big prize.  

Stand-Up Comedy Show 

Who doesn’t love to laugh? Fill your second date with lots of laughter and fun by attending a stand-up comedy show! 


Whether you swing dance, slow dance or have an impromptu dance party, dancing is a great way to let loose and have fun with your date. It also lets you show off your awesome dance moves.  


Take your date to the lake and spend time exploring the water while you paddleboarding or kayaking. This is a great way to spend warm summer days. 

Dinner and Never Have I Ever 

Spend time making dinner with each other, bonding over food, then spend the rest of the night playing a friendly game of Never Have I Ever. This will give you the opportunity to learn more about each other’s pasts. 
That second date is oh-so-important in the life of your relationship with this other person. On the second date, you have the opportunity to learn who the other person is, what their favorite things are, what their personality is like, what drives them, and what you can provide for them should you continue to date! Completing that second date should give you the foundation you need to either continue dating this wonderful person or move on gracefully. Hopefully, this blog has helped you out with some fun date night ideas and gives you and your “special someone” a fun day or evening!

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