Astronomical tourism, or “Astro-tourism,” is a form of nature-based tourism specifically concerned with the viewing of celestial objects, space and the physical universe. Astronomy-based recreation and tourism are not only growing in popularity nationally, but offer opportunities for sustainable economic and community development.
The Astrotourism Toolkit includes resources regarding astronomy and dark-sky related tourism and recreation, including potential benefits and suggestions as to how and where to experience exceptional night skies.
Dive deep into the dark skies of Utah. Explore the nighttime views found in Utah’s International Dark Sky Parks and Communities that support awe-inspiring experiences for Utahns and its many visitors.
Utah Office of Tourism
What is Astrotourism? What are key terms? What is the product? What are sustainable tourism best practices? What does success look like? All you need to know to understand dark sky tourism and recreation in your area.
Utah Office of Tourism
Capturing images of our night skies is beneficial for communicating the issue of light pollution. Opening our camera shutters for long periods of time allows faint light to become quite obvious. When capturing images of the night sky, you will also capture the domes of skyglow on the horizon. Learn the basics with Astrophotography 101.
Bettymaya Foott, International Dark-Sky Association Director of Public Engagement
This brief provides a general list of what to do and what to avoid when attending an astronomy event. This is not meant to be a comprehensive list and we encourage you to do your own research before attending an event. Most importantly always be courteous, avoid creating unnecessary light and noise pollution, and remember to have fun!
Colorado Plateau Dark Sky Cooperative
This brief defines the concept of “dark sky development” and outlines several economic benefits of dark sky conservation. The purpose is to provide dark sky advocates with talking points for communicating the economics of dark skies to decision makers.
Colorado Plateau Dark Sky Cooperative
This session from the Utah Office of Outdoor Recreation’s Summit Speaker Series explores what it means to be a dark-sky-friendly community, delves into the economic benefits of astrotourism, and highlights a variety of night sky conservation efforts throughout Utah.
Utah Office of Outdoor Recreation
From Glacier to Grand Canyon. From the Canadian to the Mexican border. Find your adventure.
Janet Muir, Consortium for Dark Sky Studies at Univ. of Utah, IDA Ogden Valley Chapter
Great Basin National Heritage Area
Enjoy Dark Skies Across the Western U.S.
ARIZONA: Stargazing in Arizona - Dark Skies
CALIFORNIA: Visit California - 7 Great Places for California Stargazing
COLORADO: Colorado Stargazing - Experience the Night
IDAHO: Central Idaho Dark Sky Reserve - America’s First International Dark Sky Reserve
NEVADA: Travel Nevada - Stargazing Nevada
NEW MEXICO: New Mexico Dark Skies
MONTANA: Visit Montana - Montana After Dark
OREGON: Travel Oregon - Stargazing in Southern Oregon’s Dark-Sky Territory
UTAH: Utah Office of Tourism - Places To Go - Dark Sky Parks
WASHINGTON: Space Tourism Guide - Stargazing in Washington
WYOMING: Wyoming Stargazing