Obtain Continuing Education Credits in These Simple Steps:


Watch the Webinar

Note: this new CEU policy is only available for webinars in 2020. Watch the webinar (from 2020) that you need CEUs for. These can be found under our archived seminars, under 2020, or you can watch the webinar live. Remember, this new policy is only good for webinars from 2020.

To Obtain International Society of Arboriculture CEUs

The International Society of Arboriculture CEU code will be displayed at the end of the webinar. Make note of that code and enter it on the downloadable form provided by ISA.  There are directions on the form for completing the process. You should retain a copy for your records. You can access the downloadable form.

To Obtain Society of American Foresters CFEs

For SAF CFEs, participants must submit an individual CFE post-approval request.

To Obtain CEUs from Other Organizations

Upon completion of watching the webinar, you can download our "form" letter of attendance certificate and enter the appropriate information that pertains to the webinar you watched (i.e. date, title, speaker). You can then submit that completed form letter of attendence to whatever accreditation organization you would like. By signing the form, you certify that you watched the webinar completely. You can access the downloadable form.