U.S. Forest Service Interior West FIA 2012 User Group Online Meeting
On May 16, 2012 the Interior West Forest Inventory and Analysis (IW-FIA) program of the U.S. Forest Service held their 2012 User Group meeting live and online, in cooperation with USU Forestry Extension. The IW-FIA program holds annual User Group meetings to update stakeholders and data users on IW-FIA operations and other FIA news. These meetings are usually held at various locations across the Interior West. This year IW-FIA attempted to reach a wider audience and save users' travel costs by holding the meeting live and as a webcast. We hope this format worked well for our audience, and we encourage feedback about the event.
Agenda and Recording Links
Interior West Forest Inventory and Analysis (IW-FIA) Program
User Group Meeting
May 16, 2012
Session 1
- 8:00 Introduction – Michael Wilson (starts at 0 minutes)
- Outcome of the National User Group Meeting (P3, estimation, cost savings)
- National FIA Implementation (status, budget, strategic planning, issues)
- IW-FIA Status and Future – Strategic Planning
- P3 – What’s Going On and Where Do We Go with It in the Interior West
- 9:00 Field Data Collection Status and Issues – Bob Rhoads (advance to 50:00)
- 9:15 FIA Information Management – Troy Heithecker (advance to 1:14:00)
- Overview, Migration, Future of FIA Information Management
- 9:30 Inventory Results Reporting – John Shaw (advance to 1:27:30)
- Where Are We and Where Are We Going with the 5-year Reports
- Introduction to Utah Report Development Process
- What Are the Current WEST-WIDE Resource Issues
- 9:50 Economic Impact on Western Forest Industry – Colin Sorenson (Bureau of Business and Economic Research, U. Montana) (advance to 1:48:25)
Session 2
- 10:30 Overview of Tools to Use FIA Data
- FIDO (FIA’s national data delivery system) – Jim Menlove (starts at 0 minutes)
- Evalidator (another FIA national on-line tool for the power user) – Jim Menlove
- FIEstA (Forest Inventory Estimation and Analysis tool enabling more flexible estimates of forest attributes in R) Tracey Frescino (advance to 50:00)
- 1:00 FIA Estimation, Analysis, and Science – Part One
- A New Approach for Addressing Non-response with the New Mexico Prototype – Sara Goeking (starts at 0 minutes)
- Integrating Time Series of Landsat Imagery into FIA’s Estimation Process – Gretchen Moisen (advance to 21:50)
- Adding Value to the FIA Inventory with Satellite-based Observations of Forest Disturbance – Todd Schroeder (advance to 37:50)
- ForCaMF – a Forest Carbon Management Framework for NFS – Alicia Peduzzi (advance to 1:02:50)
Session 3
- 2:40 FIA Estimation, Analysis, and Science – Part Two
- Finer-scale Reconstructions of Climatic Patterns Using Increment Core Sample Data – Justin DeRose (starts at 0 minutes)
- Attaching Climate Data and Other Ancillary Data to FIA plots –Chuck Werstak (advance to 21:00)
- FVS Validation – John Shaw (20 minutes) (advance to 41:30)
- 3:40 Wrap-up – Michael Wilson (advance to 1:14:45)