U.S. Forest Service Interior West FIA 2010 User Group Online Meeting
On April 13, the Interior West Forest Inventory and Analysis (IW-FIA) program of the U.S. Forest Service held their 2010 User Group meeting online, in cooperation with USU Forestry Extension. The IW-FIA program holds annual User Group meetings to update stakeholders and data users on IW-FIA operations and other FIA news. These meetings are usually held at various locations across the Interior West. This year IW-FIA attempted to reach a wider audience and save our users' travel costs by holding the meeting as a webcast. We hope this format worked well for our audience, and we encourage feedback about the event.
View meeting agenda.
Presentations were as follows (recordings unavailable):
- Status of the Program - Michael Wilson
- New Protocols Update - John Shaw
- New Projects - John Shaw
- Mortality Update - Mike Thompson
- First Results from DWM Analysis - Larry DeBlander
- Other New Projects - Zach Holden
- Projecting Changes in Western Conifers Under a Changing Climate - Tom Edwards
- NLCD 2011 Tree Canopy Product - Tracey Frescino
- Product Carbon Accounting - Todd Morgan
- Analysis of Panel Data - Ray Czaplewski