ARTICLE V: Structure, Leadership, and Participation
5.1 Structure
The Council is organized and led by an Advisory Committee. Except for the Advisory Committee, there are no membership, voting, or electoral requirements in the Council’s decision-making process; participating organizations and individuals speak for themselves.
5.2 Participation
The council shall be open to all tribes; federal, state, county, and local agencies; private entities, organizations, and companies; private landowners and land managers; and other interested individuals in the state of Utah. Interested organizations and individuals may participate in the Council through attendance at open meetings, involvement in working groups and sub-committees, and participation in other Council activities.
5.3 Advisory Committee
An Advisory Committee is established to guide the organization, develop position statements, and coordinate meetings. The Advisory Committee members will be elected by majority vote of the Council in attendance. The Advisory Committee may be composed of representatives from the following stakeholder categories. An Advisory Committee member may resign by presenting written notice. A committee member may be removed by majority vote of the Council in attendance.
- Landowner and manager organizations
- Conservation organizations
- Education and Research
- Private Contractors
- Tribes
- Local Government
- State agencies
- Federal agencies
5.4 Proxies
In the event that an Advisory Committee member must be absent from a meeting, he/she may designate an alternate representative.
5.5 Working Groups
Working groups, composed of Advisory Committee members and/or Council participants, may be formed ad-hoc to address specific Council work.
Utah Prescribed Fire Council By-Laws 11/14/2018
5.6 Council Decisions & Position Statements
Formal Council communications and position statements must be supported by a two- thirds vote of the Advisory Committee forming a quorum (minimum of 7 members) at an official Advisory Committee meeting. Members abstaining from voting will not count toward the quorum. Formal communications and position statements may be drafted, discussed, and edited through a working group, or proposed by the Advisory Committee. After gaining Advisory Committee approval, Council formal communications will be sent out to the larger Council network for sign-on. All partner organizations and interested parties will then have an opportunity to read the document and decide whether or not to sign on. All supporting stakeholders may be listed in the final document, upon request. An organization may elect to sign on to formal communications and position statements. Both Council participants and individuals outside of the Council will be permitted to sign on to communications and position statements.
ARTICLE VI: Advisory Committee Leadership and Organization
6.1 Officers
At a minimum, the quorum will elect officers that shall include a Council Chair, Chair- Elect and Secretary.
6.2 Term
The term of office for elected officials will be for two years beginning January 1.
6.3 Election
The officers shall be elected every other year by the quorum of the Advisory Committee present at the fall Advisory Committee meeting by two-thirds vote.
6.4 Resignation and Removal
Any officer may resign by presenting written notice to the Advisory Committee. An officer may be removed from office by two-thirds Advisory Committee vote.
6.5 Absent Chair
In the event that the Chair must be absent for a meeting, the Chair-Elect shall act as Chair.
6.6 Vacancies
If an officer position becomes vacant for any reason during the office’s term, the Advisory Committee shall, by two-thirds vote, elect a replacement to complete the remainder of that office’s term.
6.7 Duties
The Chair of the Council is responsible for setting agendas for Advisory Committee and general participant meetings, running said meetings, and communicating with working groups and other like councils in the interim between meetings. b. The Chair-Elect will be the next Chair and support the Chair duties as needed. c. The Secretary shall see that the minutes of each meeting are kept and that a copy is provided to each representative soon after the meeting.
7.1 Scheduling and Frequency
A minimum of one Council meeting and two Advisory Committee meetings will be held annually. Scheduling will be coordinated among Advisory Committee members to maximize participation.
7.2 Notice
Notices of meetings shall be distributed to the Council via e-mail and posted on the Council website at least two months prior to meeting dates.
7.3 Meeting Content
The Advisory Committee will assist the Chair in developing meeting content. The Chair will take the lead in organizing meetings, and request assistance from the Advisory Committee as needed.
7.4 Quorum
At meetings of the Advisory Committee, a quorum of 7 voting members or their proxies shall be necessary for the transaction of business.
7.5 Requirements for Collective Action
Except as otherwise provided in these by-laws, two-thirds vote of the quorum of the Advisory Committee members present at the time shall be the act of the Advisory Committee.
7.6 Telephone, Web-based, and Similar Meetings
Advisory Committee members may participate in and hold a meeting by means of conference telephone or similar communications equipment by means of which all persons participating in the meeting can hear and/or actively communicate with each other. Participation in such a meeting shall constitute presence in person at the meeting.
ARTICLE VIII: Amendments
8.1 Amendments
By-law amendments will be proposed one meeting in advance, and amendments will require two-thirds vote of the quorum present at an official Advisory Committee meeting.