Chilopsis linearis
Family: Bignoniaceae or Trumpet-creeper
Leaves: Opposite or scattered along stem; simple; linear or narrowly-lanceolate; 6" to 12" long, 1/2" wide or less; deciduous; glabrous; sometimes sticky; entire margin.
Twigs/buds: Twigs slender; glabrous or hairy; light brown. No terminal bud; lateral buds small, with several overlapping scales; rusty-red and hairy.
Flowers/fruit: Flowers perfect; similar to northern catalpa but smaller with some purple; 3/4" to 1-1/2" wide; appear in May-June in small clusters. Fruit and seeds similar to northern catalpa, but smaller; 7" to 12" long and 1/4" wide.
Bark: Brown; scaly.
Wood: No information available.
General: Native to warm locations along streams in southwestern Utah and throughout the extreme southwestern U.S. Fairly short-lived. Not a true willow. Shade intolerant.
Landscape Use: This small, shrubby tree is rarely used in Utah landscapes, but could be used more as a small, interesting ornamental in warm areas. Will be hard to find in nurseries. I have seen a small one growing in a large pot outdoors next to a greenhouse in Jensen, Utah. Zones 7-10.
Comments and Limitations:
- Fruit and/or plant part can be a nuisance; use fruitless varieties if possible.