Key to Trees of Logan Canyon

Option 1
Are the needles mainly clustered in twos, 1" to 3" long; with the cones unsymmetrical, often remaining closed and attached to the tree for many years, the scales armed with a sharp spine? It is a lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta).

Lodgepole pine sketch

Lodgepole Pine

Option 2
Are the needles clustered in twos and threes on the same tree, 4" to 7" long? Is the tree found throughout the West? Clue: these are not native in Logan Canyon, but there are plantings at the Tony Grove turn-off and elsewhere. These are also native to mountainous areas in much of the rest of Utah. It is a ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa).

Ponderosa Pine sketch

Ponderosa Pine