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Question from John, West Point, Davis County, UT -

I’m wondering if you would know what’s going on with my Yukon Bell pyracantha shrubs I planted just this spring, I think it was in April. They have been doing really well for the most part but all of the sudden most of them are looking really bad. Let me explain...

The new growth is yellow-green where it has normally been a dark green and it also is getting burned/crunchy.

I water them 3x/week as was recommended by two nurseries. They aren’t getting better and a few of them actually seem worse. (Photos attached). Not sure if it’s my soil or what.

Any info you or anyone else could provide me with would be really helpful since I’m trying to not waste the money I spent on these plants with the intent to grow a hedge on a corner of my property.

Pyracantha Iron Chlorosis

Answer from Dr. Mike Kuhns, USU Extension Forester and Professor -


I am guessing iron chlorosis is the issue. Do you know your soil pH? If not you might want to get it tested by USU’s soil testing lab — see more at If your pH is 7.5 or more that is probably the issue. Alternatively look around the neighborhood and see if many other plants are yellow. If so then that would confirm chlorosis. If it is chlorosis you can treat the soil yearly in spring with iron chelate, but it is expensive and you will have to do it forever.

Chlorosis will be worse if you have compact soil and/or waterlogged soil, causing a lack of oxygen in the soil. Watering 3X a week seems a bit much to me.