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Question from Elizabeth, USU Extension Assistant Professor (received 5/7/20) -

I have a resident in Oakley that wants to put in some spruce as a windbreak. The location where he needs the break is very near the line from his concrete septic tank to the septic.

Answer from Dr. Mike Kuhns, USU Extension Forester and Professor (sent 5/8/20) -


You can’t keep roots out of such an area long term with physical barriers. If they can get oxygen and water they will be there eventually. A high-quality wrapping of geotextile fabric will keep them out for awhile. Probably the best bet is to use chemicals that kill roots. Rootex is a copper-based chemical that foams when it is put in a pipe in water. It kills roots that it contacts as the foam passes through the pipe.

Good luck!

Natural Windbreak