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Question from Matthew, Landscaper, Saratoga Springs, UT (received 5/18/20) -

I am a landscaper and have been for 6 years. I have planted plenty of trees in the grass area. I have never put supplemental water like drip or bubblers around trees that are in the grass. I've always just depended on the grass sprinklers to water the trees. Should I add bubblers or drip for the trees even though they are in the grass?

Answer from Gabrielle Harden, USU Forestry Extension Educator (sent (5/19/20) -


The problem with depending on drip systems, bubblers, and even sprinkler systems to water trees is that trees need significantly more water than those provide. It is very difficult to irrigate trees enough with drip irrigation systems. Large trees, and small trees that will eventually get large, need or will need, a lot of water. Of course, different species have different requirements, and the age of the tree will play in to how much water it needs. A young, recently planted tree in a well draining area will need to be deeply watered at least once a week to promote root growth.

Hope this helps

Tree with drip system around base