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Question from Unknown, (received 8/28/20) -

Can you use Sycamore leaves and a compost pile? This is one of the first years I have been able to get my temperature up in my compost pile. I have heard both comments stating you can  and cannot use the leaves because of fungi  and mold diseases. Can I use my compost pile in my garden next year in Spring?

Answer from Dr. Mike Kuhns, USU Extension Forester and Professor (sent 8/28/20) -

I suspect that people worry because there is a common disease that attacks sycamores called sycamore anthracnose. It is a fungus that infests the newly emerging leaves and twigs in the spring. There are a few diseases that you have to protect against through sanitation — raking up leaves from under the trees and keeping it clean. This happens to be the case with sycamore anthracnose. However, if you are going to compost the material you clean up then it doesn’t matter because the composting process usually kills any live parts of the fungus that would allow it to reproduce (like spores and fungal strands).

Good luck!

Sycamore tree leaf