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Question from Megan, Bountiful, UT (received 5/15/20) -

Can you tell me what type of tree this is? It drops millions of seeds, which pile up in heaps everywhere, sprout like crazy and which I collect by garbage cans full? You can tell I love (not) this tree. Does it have any redeeming qualities, like benefiting my garden soil or providing habitat for a rare species of bird? Thanks!

Siberian elm tree behind some bushes

Siberian elm tree seeds

Answer from Gabrielle Harden, USU Forestry Extension Educator (sent 5/18/20) -


This is a Siberian Elm. They are extremely aggressive - if not properly managed (i.e. removal of seeds), it can become weedy or invasive. They have weak wood and are prone to branch breaks. They are susceptible to insects and diseases. Siberian elms can attract migrant birds, but I don't believe it is home to any rare bird species (not to my knowledge).

I hope this helps. Good luck!