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Question from Ashley Heath, Vineyard, UT (received 7/27/20) -

We've got a redbud tree that's 1 to 2 years old and its leaves just started getting brown spots.

Answer from Dr. Mike Kuhns, USU Extension Forester and Professor (7/27/20) -

This tree has leaf scorch caused by it not getting enough water. Eastern redbud (which I assume is what this tree is) is native to wetter sites than we can grow them in here. If you had planted a Utah native western or California redbud instead and treated it similarly, it likely would not show this stress. Its genetics are different and it has biological traits that make it better-adapted to hot, dry conditions. On the other hand some tree species are so poorly adapted that they cannot take up enough water through their roots no matter how much they get. They also may take it up but do not control water loss from their leaves. Either way they will be stressed and may not be adequately adapted to your site.

So either water the tree more and mulch it with organic material to encourage good root growth, or consider another tree species that can withstand water stress better.

Redbud Leaf scourching collage