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Question from Wayne, Ivins, UT (received 3/06/21) - 

A mature mesquite tree on property I recently purchased in Ivins, UT, was damaged by contractors as they drove equipment under low branches. The attached pictures show an overall view and closeups of the two branches (4" and 6" diameter) that were damaged on separate occasions. The equipment apparently pushed against the branch, twisting it and causing a longitudinal split in each branch. By the time I became aware of this, it was impossible to bind the branches to close the wounds. The tree appears healthy otherwise, but I worry about infestations gaining access through these wounds, which are 3-4 ft in length. Note that the split goes entirely through one branch in places (you can see daylight through it in the picture), and nearly through the other one. (The two branches are the left-most in the picture of the entire tree; one had been trimmed after damage, but the split continued down the branch.

Do you think that these wounds require removal of the branches containing them? Or is it possible that they will heal? Anything I can do to help them along?

Thanks for your assistance!


Answer from Dr. Mike Kuhns, USU Extension Forester and Professor (sent 3/08/21) -

Hi Wayne,

I wouldn’t worry about insects or diseases. the question should really be whether an affected branch will hold up long enough that it will heal rather than keep breaking. The breaks or splits that you show are pretty bad, but the tree looks very healthy otherwise and will likely heal with time. 

Mesquite Tree collage with split trunk