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Question from Linda Young, South Jordan, UT (received 7/21/20) -

We have Sycamore trees in our parkway in Daybreak. They are dropping lots of leaves and bark. This has never happened before. I did notice some what it appears to be aphids on some leaves as well. Any suggestions as to what might be wrong? The entire block of trees look that way. Thank you so much for your help on this matter.


Answer from Dr. Mike Kuhns, USU Extension Forester and Professor (sent 7/28/20) -


The bark loss that occurs on London planetrees after they are a few years old is normal and will get more pronounced with time, but it doesn't matter. More bark will be made inside the current bark to replace what is lost. The leaf spots and curling are caused by a common disease called sycamore anthracnose. Though fungicidal treatments are available, generally I think that they are not necessary.

London Planetree bark loss collage