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Question from Sherri, Salt Lake City, UT (received 4/24/20) -

I live in SLC and have a 20 year honey locust that has been watered with the lawn so it has 5 large superficial roots. Is it possible to cut out those superficial roots and have the tree survive? Maybe cut out one a year to not shock the tree too much?

Answer from Dr. Mike Kuhns, USU Extension Forester and Professor (sent 4/25/20) -

Sherrie, This is a problem for you, but thankfully not for the tree. If you are going to remove roots, you have the right idea — remove 1-2 a year. However, the roots are shallow because they can get what they need best at that level. Water, minerals, and oxygen all are needed by roots and all are most available shallow in the soil. Therefore, this will keep happening. The way to deal with emergent roots is to not try to grow anything like turf under that tree. Mulch the area under the tree where you are finding these roots with wood chips or bark.

Good luck.