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Question from Paula, Clinton, UT (received 5/14/20) -

I just noticed some strange discoloration of the leaves on my Emperor One Japanese Maple. Wondering if I can send a picture and get some advice. Thank you for your help.

Answer from Dr. Mike Kuhns, USU Extension Forester and Professor (sent 5/15/20) -


This looks like frost damage to me, with the damage happening while the leaves were just emerging. The damage then was only to the tissue at the edges of the leaves that had started to grow out, while whatever leaf tissue that was still in the bud or hadn't even been formed yet was protected and came out undamaged. Enough of the good leaf tissue is still there though that it doesn't look too bad and it will be healthy. When it leaves-out next year, it will be fine.

Frost damage on Japanese maple leaves