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Question from Dustin, Sandy, UT (received 5/17/20) -

I have a tree I need help identifying. I think it is a beech, but not sure what type and if it is a columnar. I am also wondering how wide it will get. I was wondering if you could help?

Answer from Gabrielle Harden, USU Forestry Extension Educator (sent (5/18/20) -


This is a European Beech. It is columnar. The coloration of the leaves make me think it might be the Purple European Beech cultivar. This cultivar has leaves that emerge purple, and then fade to a purple green.

The European beech grows to a height of 50–60 feet and a spread of 35–45 feet at maturity. If it is in fact a Purple European beech, those grow into a wide oval, 70 to 80 feet tall and spreads 50 to 70 feet at maturity.

I hope this helps.

Collage of a European beech tree with close-ups of the trunk, leaves, and a full shot of the tree