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Question from Gene Tabish, Murray, UT -

I have an Elm tree that is dripping a clear liquid on my lawn. The areas of the lawn affected by the liquid have been killed. Do you have any suggestions on how to remedy this?

Thank you

Answer from Dr. Mike Kuhns, USU Extension Forester and Professor (sent 10/2/16) -

Gene, the only thing that might do this is bacterial slime flux that oozes out of wounds in elms, willows, and some other trees. Normally the waste from this disease runs down the trunk from old pruning wounds and eventually kills grass. I haven't seen this in the form of dripping material, but I suppose it could happen.

Regardless, there is nothing you can do about the disease, and it doesn't harm the tree much. If you mulch under the tree there won't be any grass to kill.