By Darren McAvoy, Forestry Extension Associate

The Missing Fires: A DVD Designed to Promote Understanding of Prescribed Fire Use

Wildland managers across the United States are currently returning fire to the landscape in an effort to restore an ecosystem process and to reduce the escalating costs and impacts of wildfires. The American public however, has a poor understanding of the policy of fire use, and without public support mangers will have an increasingly difficult time using fire. The Missing Fires is a 22-minute DVD presentation that attempts to address this problem by increasing public awareness and acceptance of wildland fire as a management tool and an ecosystem process. It blends interviews with natural resource scientists and professionals from several states and agencies with dramatic fire footage and nationally recognized music to present an appealing and effective message.

To order a copy of The Missing Fires, contact:

Darren McAvoy
5230 Old Main Hill
Utah State University
Logan, UT 84332-5230

In 1999, Darren McAvoy produced and directed The Missing Fires video, which is about wildland fire use and ecology in the United States. The production and distribution of the DVD has been supported by The National Park Service, the Florida Division of Forestry, USU Extension, and others. The Missing Fires has won national awards from the Salt Lake Olympic Organizing Committee and the Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals.