Saving Strategies When it Comes to Food


It is estimated that the average American household spends over $3,500 a year, $291 a a month, on food prepared outside the home. Also, a family of 4 will spend $929, on average, at the grocery store each month. This is often an easy area to target for cutting costs and ultimately saving money.

Money in a bowl

Here are a few tips that can help you make significant changes to the amount of money you spend on food: 

Plan Ahead-  Make a menu of what meals you will prepare at home for the week. This really doesn't take much time, but it can save you a great deal of money during the week when you opt to eat at home rather than out.

Make a Shopping List- Write down what you need to purchase at the grocery store and stick to it. Avoid impulse purchases, these types of purchases are often more expensive and push the grocery bill higher. If it is not on the list, don't buy it!

Take a Lunch From Home- Eating out even 2 time a week will significantly increase what you spend on food. Taking left overs from last night's dinner or a simple sandwich will decrease your food spending and give you a little more cash for fun evenings out.

Use What you Purchase- Be aware of expiration dates and plan to use the food in your pantries and fridge before it goes bad. Remember that throwing away food is just like dumping money in the trash.