Dr. Dave
Links to videos of Dr. Dave presenting by topic: Personal Well-being, Parenting, and Couple Relationships
As a family life educator, professor, and extension specialist here at USU, I’m on a mission to improve personal well-being, parenting, and couple relationships! Here you will find tons of videos, podcasts, articles, curricula, and science-backed happy hacks to help you on your life journey.
Find Television Segments (Monthly Fox 13 Tips), Podcasts, and Factsheets by topic below.
Television Segments (Monthly Fox 13 Tips)
- 6 Science-backed hacks for less stress this summer and fall
- Keep moving during the holidays
- 10 happy hacks that can make you happier
- One million acts of kindness in 40 days
- Three ways to quit stressing about your weaknesses
- Four free ways to enjoy life more
- Being present: Creating more ‘flow’ moments in our daily life
- The number one thing that’s killing your happiness
- Mindfulness tips for a better you
- David and Jamie Schramm (4). In Breakfast epiphanies. Cache Valley Family Magazine
- Dr. David Schramm (40). In Breakfast epiphanies. Cache Valley Magazine
USU Factsheets
- Three steps for a happier life
- Why stress management strategies work
- Six approaches to becoming more optimistic today
- Finding peace by staying present
- Five happy hacks for a flourishing life
- Good ideas for better health
- Why stress management strategies work
- Stress vs. anxiety
- Simple ideas for better health
- Supporting others coping with infertility
- Strategies for dealing with life’s difficulties
- Tips for tackling stress
Strong Parents, Stable Children curriculum:
- Strong parents, stable children training, curriculum, & downloads
- Concrete Support in Times of Need
- Parental Resilience
- Knowledge of Parenting & Child Development
- Social & Emotional Competence of Children
- Social Connections
Television Segments (Monthly Fox 13 Tips)
- Help your kids with these three needs during pandemic
- Now’s the time for parents to get tech SAVVY
- Conquering technoference
- Back to school tips for parents
- Four travel tips for summer trips
- Five steps for a flourishing family
- Parenting tips for dealing with holiday stress
- Dos and don’ts for a peaceful family Thanksgiving
- Emerging adulthood
- How to be a good sports parent while playing fan, coach or referee
- Tips to set you and your child up for school-year success
- Parenting tips for summer sanity
- Parenting advice and regrets from empty nesters
- Happy hacks for a flourishing life
- Wisdom from parenting survivors: Regrets and tips from 400 empty-nesters (073). In Family Looking Up
USU Factsheets
Television Segments (Monthly Fox 13 Tips)
- 4 keys to a better marriage by Valentines day
- Premarital education pays off
- Where to get a marriage tune-up before Valentines day
- Newlywed tips and traps
- Dividing responsibilities without dividing relationships
- Tips for working together as a team
Podcasts related to personal and family life
USU Factsheets
- Why should you treat your employees like family? In Inside sources with Boyd Matheson.
- Are family fundamentals the secret sauce to booming business? In Better manager.
- Applying family principles to workplace culture (137). In Cool culture corner.
- Connection is the key to great teamwork. In Project management insights.
- How skills learned at home can lead to business success (115). In Project management paradise. Cora.
- Creating thriving workplaces with a culture of family (063). In The transformative leader.
- Dr. David Schramm on how family principles translate into strong cultures (005). In Credit union business.
- From compliance to connection: How family science enhances workplace culture. In Lead with levity.