Ken White
Utah State University Extension
Vice President and Professor

Contact Information
Office Hours: 8AM-5PMOffice Location: AGRS 431
Phone: (435)-797-2201
Utah State University Graduate Mentor of the Year, 2011
Utah State University
Graduate Mentor of the Year , 2010
College of Agriculture
Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year, 2007
Researcher of the Year, 2006
Best of State Statue (BOSS), 2003
Publications | Abstracts
- Perisse, I.V, Fan, Z., Liu, Y., Vaghela, N., Patrick, T., Regouski, M., Van Wettere, A., Leir, S., Harris, A., White, K.L, Polejaeva, I., (2024). Towards Genetic Correction of Meconium Ileus by Intestinal Expression of CFTR in CFTR-null Sheep Model. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 2024 Research Conference
- Perisse, I.V, Fan, Z., Liu, Y., Regouski, M., Van Wettere, A., Wang, Z., Harris, A., White, K.L, Polejaeva, I., (2019). Towards the correction of meconium ileus with cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) intestinal expression in CFTR knockout sheep. Reproduction, Fertility and Development
- Polejaeva, I., Ranjan, R., Davies, C., White, K.L, (2016). TGF-β1 Transgenic Goat Model of Atrial Fibrillation. Proceedings of the Large Animal Genetics Engineering Summit
- Polejaeva, I., Ranjan, R., Wang, Z., Olsen, A.L, Davies, C., White, K.L, (2014). Transgenic goat models to study cardiac fibrosis and atrial fibrillation. Transgenic research
- Polejaeva, I., Ranjan, R., Hall, J., Rutigliano, H., Thomas, A.J, Dosdall, D., MacLeod, R., Marrouche, N., Wang, Z., Olsen, A.L, White, K.L, Davies, C., (2013). Cardiac specific overexpression of Transforming Growth Factor Beta1 (TGF-Beta1) increases susceptibility to atrial fibrillation in transgenic goats. Circulation
- Rutigliano, H., Wilhelm, A., Hall, J., Sessions, B., Meng, Q., White, K.L, Bunch, T.D, Davies, C., Polejaeva, I., (2013). Aberrant gene expression at the fetal-maternal interface in sheep and goats produced by somatic cell nuclear transfer. Amernican Journal of Reproductive Immunology
- Shi, B., Thomas, A.J, Parasar, P., Wilhelm, A., Rutigliano, H., Sessions, B., Meng, Q., White, K.L, Davies, C., (2013). Expression of bovine major histocompatibility complex class I genes in placental trophoblast is regulated by IFN-γ and DNA methylation. Amernican Journal of Reproductive Immunology
- Hall, J., Meng, Q., Sessions, B.R, Fan, Z., Wang, X., Stott, R.D, Rutigliano, H., Davies, C., Panter, K., Bunch, T.D, White, K.L, Polejaeva, I., (2012). Effect of embryo culture length on production of cloned transgenic goats. Reproduction, Fertility & Develpment
- Meng, Q., Hall, J., Rutigliano, H., Zhou, X., Sessions, B.R, Stott, R.D, Panter, K., Davies, C., Ranjan, R., Dosdall, D., MacLeod, R., Marrouche, N., White, K.L, Wang, Z., Polejaeva, I., (2012). Generation of cloned transgenic goats with cardiac specific overexpression of transforming growth factor β1. Reproduction, Fertility & Develpment
- Polejaeva, I., Hall, J., Meng, Q., Zhou, X., Sessions, B.R, Panter, K., Stott, R.D, Rutigliano, H.M, Davies, C., Wang, Z., Ranjan, R., Dosdall, D., MacLeod, R., Marouche, N., White, K.L, (2012). Development of a transgenic goat model with cardiac-specific overexpression of human transforming growth factor-β1 to study the relationship between atrial fibrosis and atrial fibrillation. Circulation Research
- Davies, C., Rutigliano, H.M, Thomas, A.J, Wilhelm, A., Sessions, B.R, Meng, Q., Wu, X., White, K.L, (2011). Interrogation of early pregnancy using a bovine somatic cell nuclear transfer model of immune-mediated abortion. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology
- Rutigliano, H.M, Thomas, A.J, Wilhelm, A., Sessions, B.R, Meng, Q., Wu, X., White, K.L, Davies, C., (2011). Trophoblast MHC class I expression is associated with immune-mediated abortion of bovine fetuses produced by cloning. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology
- Sessions, B.R, Rutigliano, H., Davies, C., White, K.L, (2011). Evidence of Focal Adhesion Assembly in Bovine Oocytes. Reprod. Fertil. Dev.
- Sessions, B.R, Rutigliano, H., Davies, C., White, K.L, (2011). Evidence of Focal Adhesion Assembly in Bovine Oocytes. Reprod. Fertil. Dev.
- White, K.L, (2009). Identification of DNA Binding Proteins Interacting With the Promoter Regions of the Bovine Oct4 and Sox2 Genes by Utilizing the Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay Followed by Mass Spectrometry Analysis.. Mole. Biol. Cell *
- White, K.L, (2009). Identification of Methyl-Specific DNA Binding Proteins of the Bovine Nanog and POU5F1 Promoter Regions Using Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay.. Mole. Biol. Cell *
- White, K.L, (2009). Identifying Endogenous PLC Isoforms Involved in the Signal Transduction Pathway at Bovine Oocyte Activation.. Mole. Biol. Cell *
- White, K.L, (2009). �ChIP Analysis of Histone Modifications H3K4m3, H3K9m2, and H4K16ac of NANOG, Oct4, and Sox2 in Bovine Blastocysts Following Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer.. Mole. Biol. Cell *
- White, K.L, (2008). Bisulfite Sequencing analysis of POU5F1, c-Myc, SOX2 and LIN 28 following bovine somatic cell nuclear transfer. Molecular Biology in the Cell *
- White, K.L, (2008). Identifying Molecules Involved in the Signal Transduction Pathway at Bovine Oocyte Activation Using Activators and Inhibitors of Src Family Kinases. Molecular Biology in the Cell *
- White, K.L, (2008). Use of Function Blocking Antibodies to Identify and Specific Integrin Subunits Involved in Bovine Fertilization. Molecular Biology of the Cell *
- White, K.L, (2008). Utilizing the Delivery of Small Interfering RNA (siRNA) by Microinjection to Demonstrate the Requirement of Focal Adhesion Kinase (FAK) for Bovine Fertilization and Activation.. Molecular Biology of the Cell *
- White, K.L, (2007). Purification of Bovine Sperm Membrane-Proteins Involved in Sperm-Oocyte Interactions: Adhesion, Fusion, and Activation.. Biol. Reprod. *
- White, K.L, (2005). A Novel Approach to Identify Bovine Sperm Membrane Proteins that Interact with Receptors on the Vitelline Membrane of Bovine Oocytes. Mole. Biol. Cell *
- White, K.L, (2005). Effects of Amino Acid Substitutions in and Around the Arginine-Glycine-Aspartic Acid (RGD) Sequence on Fertilization and Parthenogenetic Development in Mature Bovine Oocytes. Mole. Biol. Cell *
- White, K.L, (2005). Involvement of Tyrosine Kinases, Specifically Src Family Kinases, Focal Adhesion Kinase (Fak), and Agonist-Induced PLC in the Activation and Development of Bovine Oocytes. Mole. Biol. Cell *
- White, K.L, (2005). Parthenogenetic and Nuclear Transfer Embryo Development of Bovine Oocytes Denuded and Centrifuged at Different Times During Maturation. Mole. Biol. Cell *
- Woods, G.L, White, K.L, Vanderwall, D.K, Li, G., Aston, K.I, Bunch, T.D, Meerdo, L.N, Pate, B.J, (2003). A Mule Clone from Fetal Cells by Nuclear Transfer. Science *
- White, K.L, (2002). Effects of arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD) containing snake venom peptides on parthenogenetic development and in vitro fertilization of bovine oocytes. Mole. Biol. Cell *
- White, K.L, (2002). Inhibition of bovine oocyte development after fertilization using the kinase inhibitors Wortmannin and Genistein B.. Mole. Biol. Cell *
- White, K.L, (2000). IP3 and RGD Mediated Intracellular Calcium Release in Mature Bovine Oocytes. Mole. Biol. Cell *
- White, K.L, (2000). Telomere Length Differences During Development of Bovine Cells. Mole. Biol. Cell *
- White, K.L, (1999). The ability of integrins to mediate intracellular calcium changes and parthenogenic development of bovine oocytes. Theriogenology *
- White, K.L, (1999). The use of the simian virus 40 large tumor antigen nuclear localization signal to generate transgenic bovine and murine embryos. Theriogenology *
- White, K.L, (1998). Development of nuclear transfer and parthenogenetic rabbit embryos activated with inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate. Theriogenology 49:324 *
- White, K.L, (1998). Embryo clones derived from Tibetan argali (Ovis ammon) nuclear-donor fibroblast cells and enucleated bovine oocytes. Theriogenology 49:396 *
- Campbell, K.D, Reed, W.R, Bunch, T.D, White, K.L, (1998). The presence of integrins or integrin-like molecules on the surface of bovine oocytes and their possible role as sperm receptors. Theriogenology *
- White, K.L, (1998). Transgenic mice carrying a gene for green fluorescent protein fused to lytic peptide shiva 1 under control of the bovine-casein regulatory region. Mole. Biol. Cell. 9:1842 *
- White, K.L, (1998). Translation of the ryanodine receptor during late, but not early, maturation of bovine oocytes. Mole. Biol. Cell. 9:2803 *
- White, K.L, (1997). Resazurin exposure on sperm fertilizing capacity assessed by in vitro fertilization. Theriogenology *
- White, K.L, (1997). The development of in vivo produced ovine preimplantation embryos in modified synthetic oviductal fluid supplemented with various protein sources. Bio. Reprod. 56:188 *
- Bunch, T.D, Farrar, V.R, Lavoie, V.A, Reed, W.A, Stellflug, J.N, Wang, S., White, K.L, (1997). The development of in vivo produced ovine preimplantation embryos in modified synthetic oviductal fluid supplemented with various protein sources. Bio. Reprod. *
- White, K.L, (1997). The effects of bovine serum albumin and fetal bovine serum on the development of pre- and postcleavage-stage bovine embryos cultured in modified CR2 and M199 media. Anim. Reprod. Sci. *
- White, K.L, (1997). The effects of ceftiofur sodium (Naxcel) on bovine oocyte and preimplantation embryonic development assessed by in vitro embryo production techniques. J. Am. Vet. Res. *
- White, K.L, (1997). The influence of M-199 and a modified CR-2 medium on the in vitro production of bovine embryos. Theriogenology 47:304 *
- White, K.L, (1997). Toxic effects of resazurin on bovine fertilization and embryo development assessed by in vitro embryo production techniques. Anim. Reprod. Sci. *
- White, K.L, (1996). DNA methylase activity of bovine oocytes and preimplantation embryos. Theriogenology 45:183 *
- White, K.L, (1996). Effects of 1,4,5 trisphosphate and ryanodine on intracellular calcium transients in mature bovine oocytes. Mole. Biol. Cell 7(S):2847 *
- White, K.L, (1996). Immunoprecipitation of a synthesized ryanodine receptor (RYR) in bovine oocytes during maturation. Mole. Biol. Cell 7(S):2848 *
- White, K.L, (1996). Interleukin 2 promoter/enhancer controlled expression of a synthetic cecropin-class lytic peptide in transgenic mice. Amer. Soc. Microb. Abstract #E-47 *
- Stellflug, J.N, White, K.L, Polejaeva, I.A, Reed, W.A, Anderson, B.L, Bunch, T.D, (1996). Ovulation rate and embryo recovery after superovulation with Ovagen. J. Anim Sci. *
- White, K.L, (1996). Pathenogenic development of bovine oocytes following activation by inositol 1,4,5 trisphosphate (IP3) and ryanodine (RYR). Mole. Biol. Cell 7(S):1789 *
- White, K.L, (1996). Protein Expression in the Milk of Transgenic Animals. Mole. Biol. Cell 7(S):2738 *
- White, K.L, (1996). Stable transfection of mink embryonic stem (ES) cells and the expression of green fluorescent protein under cytomegalovirus promoter control. Theriogenology 45:238 *
- Polejaeva, I.A, Reed, W.A, Ashktorab, H., White, K.L, Bunch, T.D, Ellis, L.C, (1996). Stable transfection of mink embryonic stem (ES) cells and the expression of green fluorescent protein under cytomegalovirus promoter control. Theriogenology *
- White, K.L, (1996). The brucellacidal activity in transgenic mice expressing a synthetic cecropin-like peptide or in mice following exogenous peptide treatment. Amer. Soc. Microb. Abstract #E-46 *
- White, K.L, (1996). Transfection of bovine-casein driven expression vector for a lytic peptide fusion protein/hormonal induction of green fluorescent protein.... Mole. Biol. Cell 7(S):2737 *
- White, K.L, Anderson, B., Bunch, T.D, Spendlove, R., Wilkinson, R., (1996). Use of computer generated artificial intelligence in the formulation of semi-defined bovine embryo culture media. Theriogenology *
- White, K.L, (1996). Use of computer-generated artifical intelligence in the formulation of semi-defined bovine embryo culture media. Theriogenology 45:219 *
- White, K.L, (1995). Bovine B-casein (BBC) gene promoter activity and hormonal induction (HI) of its expression in mammary epithelial cell (MEC) line. FASEB 9:PA83 *
- White, K.L, (1995). Effect of glycine, alanine and calf plasma in serum free culture medium on bovine embryonic development in vitro. Theriogenology 43:328 *
- White, K.L, (1995). Effect of non-serum supplemented media on establishment and maintenance of bovine embryonic stem-like cells. Theriogenology *
- White, K.L, (1994). Growth of in vitro-produced bovine embryos in non-serum supplemented media containing various growth factors. Theriogenology 41:334 *
- White, K.L, (1994). The existence of IP3 and ryanodine receptors in bovine oocytes. Cell Biology, 2078 *
- White, K.L, Bunch, T.D, Reed, W.A, Wang, S., Yue, C., (1993). Bovine oocyte activation is mediated by IP3-sensitive intracellular calcium pools. Biol. Reprod. *
- Wang, S., White, K.L, Bunch, T.D, Reed, W.A, Yue, C., (1993). The influence of bovine oviduct epithelium monolayer cell culture, fetal bovine serum and heparin on in vitro bovine oocyte fertilization. J. Anim. Sci. *
- White, K.L, (1990). Murine Embryo Development in Vitro: Effect of Thermal Stress of Blastocysts. Theriogenology 33:204 *
- White, K.L, (1990). Suppression of mitogen-induced horse lymphocyte proliferation by preimplantation horse conceptus-conditioned medium. Theriogenology 33:312 *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
- White, K.L, (2008). Cloning Research. 2008 Yearbook of Science and Technology *
- White, K.L, (2006). Cloning The Equine. Epigenetic Risks of Cloning
- White, K.L, Wood, G.L, Vanderwall, D.K, Li, G., Bunch, T.D, (2006). Cloning the Equine. Epigenetic Risks of Cloning. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
- White, K.L, (2005). Cloning The Equine. In: Epigenetic Risks of Cloning, A. Inui (ed.)
- White, K.L, (2001). Application of ARTs and nuclear transfer in exotic and endangered species. In: Comparative Endocrinology: Assisted Fertilization and Nuclear Transfer in Mammals. D. Wolf and M. Zelinski-Wooten (ed.)
- White, K.L, Bunch, T.D, Mitalipov, S., Reed, W.A, (2001). Application of ARTs and nuclear transfer in exotic and endangered species: Comparative Endocrinology: Assisted Fertilization and Nuclear Transfer in Mammals.
- White, K.L, (2000). Application of Nuclear Transfer in Exotic or Endangered Species. Assisted Fertilization and Nuclear Transfer in Mammals *
- White, K.L, (1995). Electrofusion of Mammalian Cells. In: Protocols for electroporation and Electrofusion of Plant and Animal Cells. J.A. Nickoloff (ed.). Humana Press USA
- White, K.L, (1989). Embryo and gamete sex selection. Animal Biotechnology *
- White, K.L, (1988). Identification of embryonic sex by detection of male specific antigens. Cryopreservation and Micromanipulation of Mammalian Embryos *
Publications | Book Chapters
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Journal Articles
Academic Journal
- Song, B., Frank, J.C, Yun, S., Julander, J.G, Mason, J.B, Polejaeva, I.A, Davies, C.J, White, K.L, Dai, X., Lee, Y., (2024). Comparison of three chimeric Zika vaccine prototypes developed on the genetic background of the clinically proven live-attenuated Japanese encephalitis vaccine SA14-14-2. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (Int J Mol Sci), 26:1, 195.
- Leir, S., Tkachenko, S., Paranjapye, ., Meckler, F., Van Wettere, A., Kerschner, J.L, Kuznetsov, E., Schacht, M., Gillurkar, ., Regouski, M., Perisse, I.V, Marriott, C.M, Liu, Y., Bunderson, I., White, K.L, Polejaeva, I., Harris, A., (2024). Stellate cells are in utero markers of pancreatic disease in cystic fibrosis.. Molecular Medicine, 30, 115.
- Keim, J., Liu, Y., Regouski, M., Stott, R.D, Singina, G.N, White, K.L, Polejaeva, I., (2023). Cytokine supplemented maturation medium improved development to term following somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) in cattle. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 35, 575-588.
- Van Wettere, A., Leir, S.H, Cotton, C.U, Regouski, M., Perisse, I.V, Kerschner, J.L, Paranjapye, A., Fan, Z., Liu, Y., Schacht, M., White, K.L, Polejaeva, I., Harris, A., (2023). Early developmental phenotypes in the cystic fibrosis sheep model.. FASEB bioAdvances, 5:1, 13-26.
- Perisse, I.V, Fan, Z., Van Wettere, A., Liu, Y., Leir, S., Keim, J., Regouski, M., Wilson, M.D, Cholewa, K.M, Mansbach, S.N, Kelley, T.J, Wang, Z., Harris, A., White, K.L, Polejaeva, I., (2021). Sheep models of F508del and G542X cystic fibrosis mutations show cellular responses to human therapeutics. FASEB BioAdvances, 3:10, 841.
- Cuthbert, J.M, Russell, S.J, Polejaeva, I., Meng, Q., White, K.L, Benninghoff, A., (2021). Comparing mRNA and sncRNA profiles during the maternal-to-embryonic transition in bovine IVF and scNT embryos.. Biology of Reproduction, 105:6, 1401–1415. doi: 10.1093/biolre/ioab169
- Cuthbert, J.M, Russell, S.J, Polejaeva, I.A, Meng, Q., White, K.L, Benninghoff, A.D, (2021). Dynamics of small non-coding RNAs in bovine scNT embryos through the maternal-to-embryonic transition. Biology of Reproduction, 105:4, 918-933. doi: 10.1093/biolre/ioab107
- Cuthbert, J., Russell, S., White, K.L, Benninghoff, A., (2019). The maternal-to-zygotic transition in bovine in vitro-fertilized embryos is associated with marked changes in small non-coding RNAs. Biology of Reproduction, 100:2, 331-350. doi: 10.1093/biolre/ioy190
- Yun, S., Song, B., Frank, J.C, Julander, J.G, Olsen, A.L, Polejaeva, I.A, Davies, C.J, White, K.L, Lee, Y., (2018). Functional genomics and immunologic tools: the impact of viral and host genetic variations on the outcome of Zika virus infection. Viruses, 10:8, E422. doi: 10.3390/v10080422
- Rutigliano, H., Wilhelm, A., Hall, J., Shi, B., Meng, Q., Stott, R.D, Bunch, T.D, White, K.L, Davies, C., Polejaeva, I., (2017). Cytokine gene expression at the maternal-fetal interface after somatic cell nuclear transfer pregnancies in small ruminants.. Reproduction, Fertility, and Development, 29:4, 646-657. doi: doi:10.1071/RD15103
- Polejaeva, I., Ranjan, R., Davies, C., Regouski, M., Hall, J., Olsen, A.L, Meng, Q., Rutigliano, H., Dosdall, D., Angel, N., Sachse, F., Seidel, T., Thomas, A., Stott, R.D, Panter, K., Lee, P., Van Wettere, A., Stevens, J.R, Wang, Z., MacLeod, R., Marrouche, N., White, K.L, (2016). Increased Susceptibility to Atrial Fibrillation Secondary to Atrial Fibrosis in Transgenic Goats Expressing Transforming Growth Factor-β1. Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology. , 27:10, 1220-1229.
- Yun, S., Song, B., Polejaeva, I.A, Davies, C.J, White, K.L, Lee, Y., (2016). Comparison of the live-attenuated Japanese encephalitis vaccine SA14-14-2 strain with its pre-attenuated virulent parent SA14 strain: similarities and differences in vitro and in vivo. Journal of General Virology (J Gen Virol), 97:10, 2575-2591. doi: 10.1099/jgv.0.000574
- Yun, S., Song, B., Frank, J.C, Julander, J.G, Polejaeva, I.A, Davies, C.J, White, K.L, Lee, Y., (2016). Complete genome sequences of three historically important, spatiotemporally distinct, and genetically divergent strains of Zika virus: MR-766, P6-740, and PRVABC-59. Genome Announcements (Genome Announc), 4:4, e00800-16. doi: 10.1128/genomeA.00800-16
- Yun, S., Song, B., Frank, J.C, Julander, J.G, Polejaeva, I.A, Davies, C.J, White, K.L, Lee, Y., (2016). Complete genome sequences of three historically important, spatiotemporally distinct, and genetically divergent strains of Zika virus: MR-766, P6-740, and PRVABC-59. Genome Announcements (Genome Announc), 4:4, e00800-16. doi: 10.1128/genomeA.00800-16
- Rutigliano, H., Thomas, A., Wilhelm, A., Sessions, B., Hicks, B., Schlafer, D., White, K.L, Davies, C., (2016). Trophoblast Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I Expression is Associated with Immune-Mediated Rejection of Bovine Fetuses Produced by Cloning. Biology of Reproduction, 95:2, 39, 1-9. doi: doi:10.1095/biolreprod.115.136523
- Parasar, P., Wilhelm, A., Rutigliano, H., Thomas, A., Teng, L., Shi, B., Davis, W.C, Suarez, C.E, New, D.D, White, K.L, Davies, C., (2016). Expression of bovine non-classical major histocompatibility complex class I proteins in mouse P815 and human K562 cells. Research in Veterinary Science, 107, 161-170. doi: doi:10.1016/j.rvsc.2016.06.004
- Fan, Z., Meng, Q., Bunch, T.D, White, K.L, Wang, Z., (2016). Effective cryopreservation of golden Syrian hamster embryos by open pulled straw vitrification.. Laboratory animals, 50:1, 45-53.
- Davis, A.P, Benninghoff, A., Thomas, A., Sessions, B., White, K.L, (2015). DNA methylation of the LIN28 pseudogene family. BMC Genomics, 16, 287. doi: 10.1186/s12864-015-1487-3
- Rutigliano, H., Wilhelm, A., Hall, J., Shi, B., Meng, Q., Stott, R., Bunch, T.D, White, K.L, Davies, C., Polejaeva, I., Cytokine gene expression at the maternal?fetal interface after somatic cell nuclear transfer pregnancies in small ruminants.. Reproduction, Fertility and Development
- Ha, A., Lee, S., Jeong-Seon, J., Han-Seul, P., Sang-HO, L., Jong-In, J., Sessions, B., Wang, Z., White, K.L, Kong, I., (2013). Development of a modified straw method for vitrification of in vitro-produced bovine blastocysts and various genes expression in between the methods. Cryobiology, doi: 10.1016/j.cryobiol.2013.11.007
- Home, P., B., Ray, S., Dutta, D., Gunewardena, S., Yoo, B., Pal, A., Vivian, J.L, Larson, M., Petroff, M., Gallagher, P.G, Schulz, V.P, White, K.L, Golos, T.G, Behr, B., Paul, S., Altered Subcellular Localization of Transcription Factor TEAD4 Regulates First Mammalian Cell Lineage Commitment.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
- Aston, K.I, Li, G.P, Hicks, B.A, Sessions, B.R, Davis, A.P, Winger, Q.A, Rickords, L.F, Stevens, J.R, White, K.L, (2010). Global gene expression analysis of bovine somatic cell nuclear transfer blastocyst and cotyledons. Mol Reprod Dev, 76, 471-482.
- Stevens, J.R, Bell, J.L, Aston, K.I, White, K.L, (2010). A Comparison of Probe-Level and Probeset Models for Small-Sample Gene Expression Data. BMC Bioinformatics, 11:281
- White, K.L, (2009). Colcemid-Treatment of Heifer Oocytes Enhances Nuclear Transfer Embryonic Development, Establishment of Pregnancy and Development to Term. Molecular Reproduction and Development, 76, 620-628.
- White, K.L, (2009). Oolemma Receptors and Oocyte Activation. Sys. Biol. Reprod. Med., In Press.
- White, K.L, (2009). Aberrant Expression of Transciption Factors and Other Genes in Various Stages of Preimplantation Bovine Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Embryos.. Cloning and Stem Cells, In Press.
- White, K.L, (2009). Genetic Reprogramming of Transcription Factor AP-2y in Bovine Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Preimplantation Embryos and Placentomes.. Cloning and Stem Cells, 11, 177-186.
- White, K.L, (2009). Global Gene Expression Analysis of Bovine Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Blastocysts and Cotyledons. Molecular Reproduction and Development, 76, 471-482.
- Li, G., White, K.L, Aston, K.I, Bunch, T.D, Hicks, B., Liu, Y., Sessions, B.R, (2009). Colcemid-treatment of heifer oocytes enhances nuclear transfer embryonic development, establishment of pregnancy and development to term. Mol. Reprod. Dev., 76, 620-628.
- Liu, Y., Li, G., Rickords, L.F, White, K.L, Sessions, B.R, Aston, K.I, Bunch, T.D, (2008). Nicotine Induced Diploidy in In Vitro Matured Bovine Oocytes. Anim Reprod Sci, 103, 13-34.
- White, K.L, (2008). A Novel Approach To Identify Bovine Sperm Membrane Proteins That Interact With Receptors On The Vitelline Membrane Of Bovine Oocytes.. Molecular Reproduction and Development, 75:641-649.
- White, K.L, (2008). Involvement of Tyrosine Kinases, Specifically Src Family Kinases, Focal Adhesion Kinase (FAK), and Agonist-Induced PLC in the Activation and Development of Bovine Oocytes..
- Aston, K.I, Li, G., Hicks, B.A, Sessions, B.R, Bunch, T.D, Rickords, L.F, Weimer, B., White, K.L, (2008). Aberrant Expression of Transcription Factors and Other Genes in Various Stages of Preimplantation Bovine Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Embryos. Mol. Reprod. Dev. (Submitted)
- Lui, Y., Li, G., Rickords, L.F, White, K.L, Sessions, B.R, Aston, K.I, Bunch, T.D, (2008). Effect of Nicotine on In Vitro Maturation of Bovine Oocytes.. Anim. Reprod. Science, 103, 13-24.
- Liu, Y., Li, G., Sessions, B.R, Rickords, L.F, White, K.L, Bunch, T.D, (2008). Nicotine Induces Multinuclear Formation and Causes Aberrant Embryonic Development in Bovine.. Mol. Reprod. Dev., 75, 801-809.
- Liu, Y., Li, G., White, K.L, Rickords, L.F, Sessions, B.R, Aston, K.I, Bunch, T.D, (2008). Nicotine Alters Bovine Oocyte Meiosis and Affects Subsequent Embryonic Development.. Mol. Reprod. Dev., 74, 1473-1482.
- Pate, B.J, White, K.L, Winger, Q.A, Rickords, L.F, Aston, K.I, Sessions, B.R, Li, G., Campbell, K.D, Weimer, B., Bunch, T.D, (2007). Specific Integrin Subunits In Bovine Oocytes, Including Novel Sequences For Alpha 6 And Beta 3 Subunits.. Mole. Reprod. Devel., 74, 600-607.
- White, K.L, (2007). Aberrant Expression of Transcription Factors and Other Genes in Various Stages of Preimplanation Bovine Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Embryos. , In Review.
- White, K.L, (2007). Genetic Reprogramming of Transcription Factor AP-2 gamma in Bovine Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Preimplanation Embryos and Placentomes. , In Review.
- White, K.L, (2007). Global Gene Expression Analysis of Bovine Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Blastocysts and Cotyledons. , Accepted.
- White, K.L, (2007). Nicotine Alters Bovine Oocyte Meiosis and Affects Subsequent Embryonic Development. Mol. Reprod. Dev, 74, 1473-1482.
- White, K.L, (2007). A Novel Approach To Identify Bovine Sperm Membrane Proteins That Interact With Receptors On The Vitelline Membrane Of Bovine Oocytes. Mole. Reprod. Devel., Online 9/20/07.
- White, K.L, (2007). Effects of Arginine-Glycine-Aspartic Acid (RGD) Containing Snake Venom Peptides on Parthenogenetic Development and In Vitro Fertilization of Bovine Oocytes. Mole. Reprod. Devel., 74, 88-96.
- White, K.L, (2007). Specific Integrin Subunits In Bovine Oocytes, Including Novel Sequences For Alpha 6 And Beta 3 Subunits. Mole. Reprod. Devel., 74, 600-607.
- Pate, B.J, White, K.L, Chen, D., Aston, K.I, Sessions, B., Bunch, T.D, Weimer, B.C, (2007). A novel approach To Identify Bovine Sperm Membrane Proteins That Interact With Receptors On The Vitelline Membrane Of Bovine Oocytes. Mol. Reprod. Dev., 75, 641-649.
- White, K.L, (2006). Denuding and Centrifugation of Maturing Bovine Oocytes Alters Oocyte Spindle Integrity and the Ability of Cytoplasm to Support Parthenogenetic and Nuclear Transfer Embryo Development. Mole. Reprod. Devel., 73, 446-451.
- Li, G., Bunch, T.D, White, K.L, Rickords, L.F, Liu, Y., Sessions, B.R, (2006). Denuding and centrifugation of maturing oocytes alters oocyte spindle integrity and the ability of cytoplasm to support parthenogenetic and nuclear transfer embryo development. Mol. Reprod. Devel., 73, 446-451.
- White, K.L, (2006). Effect of Nicotine on In Vitro Maturation of Bovine Oocytes. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 103, 13-24.
- Liu, Y., Li, G., Rickords, L.F, White, K.L, Sessions, B.R, Aston, K.I, Bunch, T.D, (2006). Effect of nicotine on in vitro maturation of bovine oocytes. Reprod. Biol. Endocrinol.
- White, K.L, (2006). Effect of the Time Interval Between Fusion and Activation on Nuclear State and Development In Vitro and In Vivo of Bovine Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Embryos. Reproduction, 131, 8-Jan.
- Aston, K., Li, G., Hicks, B., Sessions, B., Pate, B., Hammon, D., Bunch, T.D, White, K.L, (2006). Effect of the time interval between fusion and activation on nuclear state and development in vitro and in vivo of bovine somatic cell nuclear transfer embryos. Reproduction, 131, 1-8.
- White, K.L, (2006). Effects of Amino Acid Substitutions in and Around the Arginine-Glycine-Aspartic Acid (RGD) Sequence on Fertilization and Parthenogenetic Development in Mature Bovine Oocytes. Mole. Reprod. Devel., 73, 651-657.
- White, K.L, Passipieri, M., Bunch, T.D, Cambell, K.D, Pate, B.J, (2006). Effects of arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD containing snake venom peptides on parthenogenetic development and in vitro fertilization of bovine oocytes. Mole. Reprod. Devel., 74, 88-96.
- White, K.L, (2006). Equine Cloning: Applications and Outcomes. Reprod. Fertil. Devel., 18, 91-98.
- Pate, B.J, White, K.L, Winger, Q.A, Rickords, L.F, Aston, K.I, Sessions, B.R, Li, G., Cambell, K.D, Weimer, B., Bunch, T.D, (2006). Specific integrin subunits in bovine oocytes, including novel sequences for Alpha 6 and Beta 3 subunits. Mole. Reprod. Devel. (Published Online - Oct.12, 2006)
- White, K.L, (2006). The Developmental Competence Of Bovine Nuclear Transfer Embryos Derived From Cow Versus Heifer Cytoplasts. Animal Reprod. Sci., 95, 234-243.
- Li, G., Liu, Y., Bunch, T.D, White, K.L, Aston, K.I, (2005). Asymmetric division of spindle microtubules and microfilaments during bovine meiosis from metaphase I to metaphase III. Mol. Reprod. Dev., 71, 220-226.
- White, K.L, (2005). Cytogenetic analysis of diploidy in cloned bovine embryos using an improved air-dry karyotyping method. Theriogenology, 63, 2434-2444.
- Li, G., Liu, Y., White, K.L, Bunch, T.D, (2005). Cytogentic analysis of diploidy in cloned bovine embryos using an improved air-dry karyotyping method. Theriogenology., 63, 2434-2444.
- White, K.L, (2005). Dynamic Changes To The Inositol 1,4,5-Trisphosphate And Ryanodine Receptors During Maturation Of Bovine Oocytes. Cloning and Stem Cells, 7(4), 306-320.
- White, K.L, (2005). Telomere to Centromere Ratio of Bovine Clones, Embryos, Gametes, Fetal Cells, and Adult Cells. Cloning and Stem Cells 7, 7 (1), 61-72.
- White, K.L, (2004). Cloned Horse Pregnancies Produced Using Adult Cumulus Cells. Reprod. Fert. Devel., 16, 675-679.
- Vanderwall, D.K, Woods, G.L, Aston, K.I, Bunch, T.D, Li, G., Meerdo, K.N, White, K.L, (2004). Cloned horse pregnancies produced using adult cumulus cells. Reprod. Fertil. Dev., 16, 675-679.
- White, K.L, (2004). Conditioned Medium Increases the Polyploid Cell Composition of Bovine Somatic Cell Nuclear-Transferred Blastocysts. Reproduction, 127, 221-228.
- Li, G., White, K.L, Aston, K.I, Meerdo, L.N, Bunch, T.D, (2004). Condtioned medium increases the polyploidy cell composition of bovine somatic cell nuclear-transferred blastocysts. Reproduction, 127, 221-22.
- White, K.L, (2004). Development, Chromosomal Composition, and Cell Allocation of Bovine Cloned Blastocyst Derived From Chemically Assisted Enucleation and Cultured in Conditioned Media. Mole. Reprod. Devel., 68, 189-197.
- Li, G., Bunch, T.D, White, K.L, Aston, K.I, Meerdo, L.N, Pate, B.J, Sessions, B.R, (2004). Development, chromosomal composition, and cell allocation of bovine cloned blastocyst derived from chemically assisted enucleation and cultured in conditioned media. Mol. Reprod. Dev., 68, 189-197.
- White, K.L, (2004). Present Status Of Equine Cloning And Clinical Characterization Of Embryonic, Fetal And Neonatal Development Of Three Cloned Mules. JAVMA, 225(No.11), 1694-1699.
- Li, G., White, K.L, Bunch, T.D, (2004). Review of enucleation methods and procedures used in animal cloning: State of the art. Cloning and Stem Cells, 6, 5-14.
- White, K.L, (2004). Why Clone Horses and Mules?. Eng. Med. Biol., 23(2), 32-36.
- White, K.L, Woods, G.L, Vanderwall, D.K, Li, G.P, Sessions, B.R, Bunch, T.D, (2004). Why Cloned Horses and Mules. Engl. Med. Biol., 23, 32-36.
- White, K.L, (2003). A Mule Cloned from Fetal Cells by Nuclear Transfer. Science, 301(5636), 1063.
- White, K.L, (2002). Cloned Mule Pregnancies Produced Using Nuclear Transfer. Theriogenology (Equine Reproduction VII), 58, 779-782.
- Wood, G.L, White, K.L, Vanderwall, D.K, Aston, K.I, Bunch, T.D, Campbell, K.D, Meerdo, L.N, (2002). Cloned Mule Pregnancies Produced Using Nuclear Transfer. Theriogenology, 58, 779-782.
- White, K.L, (2001). Pathways Involved in RGD-Mediated Calcium Transients in Mature Bovine Oocytes. Cloning and Stem Cells, 3(3), 105-113.
- White, K.L, (2001). Somatic Cell Cloning in Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis): Effects of Interspecies Cytoplasmic Recipients and Activation Procedures. Cloning and Stem Cells, 3(3), 97-104.
- White, K.L, (2001). Trangenic mice carrying a gene for green fluorescent protein fused to a lytic peptide, Shiva 1, under control of the bovine beta-casein regulatory region. Transgenics, 3 (2-4), 183-197.
- White, K.L, (2000). The ability of integrins to mediate fertilization, intracellular calcium release, and parthenogenic development in bovine oocytes. Biol. Reproduction, 62, 1702-1709.
- White, K.L, (1999). Bovine B-casein gene promoter activity and hormonal induction of its expression in a mammary epithelial cell line. Transgenics, 3, 23-29.
- White, K.L, (1999). Development of nuclear transfer and parthenogenetic rabbit embryos activated with inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate. Biol. Reproduction, 60(4), 821-827.
- White, K.L, (1999). Establishment of pregnancy after the transfer of nuclear transfer embryos produced from the fusion of Argali (Ovis ammon) nuclei into domestic sheep (Ovis aries) enucleated oocytes. Cloning, 1(1), 47-54.
- White, K.L, (1998). Localization and Regulation of Ryanodine Receptor in Bovine Oocytes. Biol. Reprod., 58, 608-614.
- White, K.L, (1997). Interleukin 2 promoter/enhancer controlled expression of a synthetic cecropin-class lytic peptide in transgenic mice and subsequent resistance to Brucella abortus. Transgenic Res., 6 (5), 337-347.
- White, K.L, (1997). Prolactin induced termination of obligate diapause of mink (Mustela vision) blastocysts in vitro and subsequent establishment of embryonic stem cells. J Reprod. Fert., 109, 229-236.
- Polejaeva, I.A, Reed, W.A, Bunch, T.D, Ellis, L.C, White, K.L, (1997). Prolactin induced termination of obligate diapause of mink (Mustela vision) blastocysts in vitro and subsequent establishment of embryonic stem cells. J. Reprod. Fert., 109, 229-236.
- Reed, W.A, Suh, T., Bunch, T.D, White, K.L, (1996). Culture of in vitro fertilized bovine embryos with bovine oviductal epithelial cells, buffalo rat liver (BRL) cells, or BRL cell conditioned medium. Theriogenology, 45, 439-449.
- White, K.L, (1996). Culture of in vitro fertilized bovine embryos with bovine oviductal epithelial cells, buffalo rat liver cells (BRL) or BRL cell conditioned medium. Theriogenology 45:439-449
- White, K.L, (1996). Receptors and agents inducing activation in the bovine oocyte. Theriogenology, 45, 91-101.
- Wilkinson, R.F, Ming, R., Anderson, B., Bunch, T.D, White, K.L, (1996). The use of neutal networks in developing novel embryo culture media-formulations. Theriogenology, 45, 41-49.
- White, K.L, (1996). Use of neural networks in developing novel embryo culture media-formulations. Theriogenology, 45, 41-49.
- White, K.L, (1995). DNA methylase active in invitro produced bovine ambryos. Encyclia, 72, 217-218.
- White, K.L, (1995). Effect of prolactin on the establishment of mink embryonic stem cell lines. Encyclia, 72, 219-220.
- White, K.L, (1995). Isolation and maintenance of bovine embryonic stem-like cells. Encyclia
- White, K.L, (1995). Lactogenic hormones induce expression of bovine B-casein gene promoter activity in a mouse mammary epithelial cell line. Encyclia, 72, 216-217.
- White, K.L, (1995). The detection of the Inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate and Ryanodine receptors in mature bovine ooctyes using Western Blot. Encyclia, 72, 216.
- White, K.L, (1995). The effects of antioxidants on the growth and development of in vitro produced bovine embryos. Encyclia, 72, 222-223.
- Farrar, F.A, Polejaeva, J.A, White, K.L, Bunch, T.D, (1995). DNA methylase active in in vitro produced bovine embryos. Encyclia, 72, 217-218.
- White, K.L, (1995). Effect of serum extender containing growth factors on development of IVM and IVF bovine embryos. Theriogenology, 44, 423-432.
- Yue, C., White, K.L, Reed, W., Bunch, T.D, (1995). Independent inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate and ryanodine receptors exist in mature bovine oocytes. Development, 2645-2645.
- Bunch, T.D, White, K.L, Morrey, J.D, Barnes, F.L, (1995). Special Topics Issue, Cell Biology of Embryogenesis. Theriogenology, 48, 1059-1212.
- White, K.L, (1995). The existence of inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate and ryanodyne receptors in mature bovine oocytes. Development, 121 (8), 2645-2654.
- White, K.L, (1994). The influence of bulls and medium on invitro production of bovine embryos. Encyclia, 71, 301-302.
- White, K.L, (1994). The influence of fluorescent light on the development of in vitro fertilized bovine oocytes. Encyclia, 71, 302-303.
- Wang, S., Bunch, T.D, Seidel, Jr., G., Holyoak, G.R, White, K.L, (1994). The influence of bulls and medium on in vitro production of bovine embryos. Encyclia, 71, 301-302.
- White, K.L, (1993). Feeding tryptophan to seasonally anestrous mares: Ovarian characteristics and secretion of luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone an dprolactin. J. Equine Vet. Sci.
- White, K.L, (1993). Electroporation of inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate induces repetitive calcium oscillations in murine oocytes. J. Exp. Zool., 265, 178-184.
- White, K.L, (1992). Effects of electrofusion pulse in either electrolyte or nonelectrolyte fusion medium on subsequent murine embryonic development. Mol. Reprod. Dev., 32, 259-264.
- White, K.L, (1992). Effect of electrofusion pulse in either electrolyte or nonelectrolyte fusion medium on subsequent murine embryonic development. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 32:259-264
- White, K.L, (1992). Electrofusion induced intracellular Ca2+ flux and its effect on murine oocyte activation. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 31:152-159, 31, 152-159.
- White, K.L, (1992). Enhanced in vitro growth of murine fibroblast cells and preimplantation embryos cultured in medium supplemented with an amphipathic peptide. Mol. Reprod. Dev., 31, 106-113.
- White, K.L, (1992). Horse conceptus-derived suppression of T and B lymphocyte proliferation: interleukin-2 and interleukin-2 receptor involvement. J. Reprod. Fertil., 96, 302-322.
- White, K.L, (1992). In vitro maturation, fertilization and embryo development in Thai swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Theriogenology, 38, 545-555.
- White, K.L, (1992). PGE2-Independent Immunosuppressive Activity of Horse Trophoblast Tissue. J. Reprod. Immunol., 21, 87-95.
- White, K.L, (1992). Use of image analysis to evaluate the development of uterine and oviduct epithelial cells during in vitro culture. Arch Pathol Lab Med, 116, 444-448.
- White, K.L, (1991). Responses of cortisol and prolactin to sexual excitement and stress in stallions and geldings. J. Anim. Sci., 69, 2556-2562.
- White, K.L, (1991). Suppression of sheep and goat lymphocyte proliferation by sheep, goat, and sheep x goat hybrid trophoblast tissue cultures. J. Anim. Sci., 69, 4563-4569.
- White, K.L, (1990). Effect of microinjection and two types of electrical stimuli on bovine sperm-hamster egg penetration. Mole. Reprod. Dev., 27, 163-167.
- White, K.L, (1990). Formation and characterization of vesicles from day-10 horse conceptuses. Theriogenology, 34 (4), 709-720.
- White, K.L, (1990). Suppression of lymphocyte proliferation by a >30,000 molecular weight factor in horse conceptus-conditioned medium. Biol. Reprod., 43, 298-304.
- White, K.L, (1989). Early embryonic development in vitro by co-culture with oviductal epithelial cells in the pig. Biol. Reprod., 41, 425-430.
- White, K.L, (1989). In vitro effect of lytic poeptides on normal and transformed mammalian cell lines. Peptide Research, 2(2), 5-Jan.
- White, K.L, (1989). Incorporation and expression of a neo gene after transfer to caprine hematopoietic cells using a modified retrovirus. J. Anim. Sci., 68, 449-453.
- White, K.L, (1989). Viability of inner cell mass versus trophectodermal cells of frozen-thawed horse embryos. J. Equine Vet. Med., 8, 82-83.
- White, K.L, (1988). Evaluation of the expression of a male-specific protein on cells of equine blastocysts. J. Reprod. Immunol., 14, 8-Jan.
- White, K.L, (1988). Evaluation of the presence of a specific histocompatibility protein on equine embryonic cells. Anim. Genet., 19, 373-378.
- White, K.L, (1988). In vitro cytocidal effect of novel lytic peptides on Plasmodium falciparum and Trypanosoma cruzi. FASEB, 2(13), 2878-2883.
- White, K.L, (1987). Detection of histocompatibility-Y (H-Y) antigen: identification of the sex of preimplantation ovine embryos. J. Reprod. Immunol., 10, 27-32.
- White, K.L, (1987). Expression of a male-specific histocompatibility protein on various stages of preimplantation bovine embryos. Biol. Reprod., 37, 867-873.
- White, K.L, (1987). Identification of a male-specific histocompatibility protein on preimplanation porcine embryos. Gamete Res., 17, 107-113.
- White, K.L, (1983). Cytolytic and fluorescent detection of H-Y antigen on preimplantation mouse embryos. Theriogenology, 19, 701-705.
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Professional Journal
- Meng, Q., Wu, X., Bunch, T.D, Li, G., White, K.L, Sessions, B.R, Davies, C., Rickords, L.F, (2011). Enucleation of demecolcine-treated bovine oocytes in cytochalasin-free medium. Cell Reprogramming, 13:5, 411-418.
- Aston, K.I, Li, G.P, Hicks, B.A, Sessions, B.R, Davis, A.P, Rickords, L.F, Stevens, J.R, White, K.L, (2010). Abnormal Levels of transcript abundance of developmentally important genes in various stages of preimplantation bovine somatic cell nuclear transfer embryos. Cell Reprogram, 12, 23-32.
- Aston, K.I, Li, G.P, Hicks, B.A, Sessions, B.R, Bunch, T.D, Rickords, L.F, Weimer, B., White, K.L, (2010). Aberrant Expression of Developmentally Important Genes in Various Stages of Preimplantation Bovine Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Embryos. Cloning and Stem Cells. . Cloning and Stem Cells, 12, 23-32.
- White, K.L, Pate, B.J, Sessions, B.R, (2010). Oolemma Receptors and Oocyte Activation. Sys. Biol. Reprod. Med. , 56, 365-375.
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Other
- Polejaeva, I., Wang, Z., Hu, S., Ranjan, R., Davies, C., Thomas, A., White, K.L, (2015). Method for transgenic bovidae expressing cardiac fibrosis and associated pathology. United States Patent Application Publication *
- White, K.L, (2004). Specific Integrin Subunits Present on The Vitelline Membrane of Bovine Oocytes. 37rd Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction, Biol. Reprod. *
- White, K.L, (2004). The Developmental Competence of Bovine Nuclear Transfer Embryos Derived From Cow Verses Heifer Ooplasts. 37rd Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction, Biol. Reprod. *
- White, K.L, (2001). Differences in telomere length of bovine gametes, embryos, fetal tissues, and clones. M.S. Thesis, Animal Science, Utah State University, Logan, UT *
- White, K.L, (2001). Pathways involved in arginine-glycine-aspartic acid-mediated calcium transients in mature bovine oocytes. M.S. Thesis, Animal Science *
- White, K.L, (2000). Bovine sperm-oocyte interactions: The ability of an arginine-aspartic acid (RGD) peptide and its cognate (an integrin) to mediate adhesion and intracellular calcium release. PhD Dissertation, Animal Science, Utah State Univ., Logan, UT *
- White, K.L, (1999). Identification of intracellular calcium receptors (inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate and ryanodine) during maturation in bovine oocytes. PhD, Animal Science, Utah State University, Logan, UT *
- White, K.L, (1999). Transgenic mice carrying a gene for green fluorescent protein fused to lytic peptide shiva 1 under control of bovine beta-casein regulatory region. PhD. Dissertation, Animal Science, Utah State Univ., Logan, UT *
- White, K.L, Mitalipov, S.M, Reed, W.R, Farrar, V.R, Bunch, T.D, (1998). Embryo clones derived from Tibetan argali (Ovis ammon) nuclear-donor fibroblast cells and enucleated bovine oocytes. Theriogenology *
- White, K.L, (1997). Coculture of in vitro produced bovine ova with oviductal epithelial cells collected from the ampulla and isthmus at the follicular and luteal phases. Bio. Reprod. Vol. 56 (Suppl. 1):214 *
- White, K.L, (1997). The effects of antibiotics on bovine embryo development in vitro. J. Anim. Sci. 75 (Suppl. 1):211 *
- Farrar, V.R, Bunch, T.D, Reed, W.A, White, K.L, (1996). DNA methylase activity of bovine oocytes and preimplantation embryos. Theriogenology *
- Anderson, B., Reed, W.A, White, K.L, Bunch, T.D, (1995). The effects of antioxidants on the growth and development of in vitro produced bovine embryos. Encyclia *
- White, K.L, Bunch, T.D, Cohen, J., Reed, W.A, Spendlove, R., Torres, A.R, (1994). Growth of in vitro-produced bovine embryos in non-serum supplemented media containing various growth factors. Theriogenology *
- White, K.L, (1993). The influence of bovine oviductal epithelial monolayer cell culture, fetal bovine serum and heparin on in vitro bovine oocyte fertilization. J. Anim. Sci. (Suppl. 1) 71:31 *
- White, K.L, (1990). The differential effects of thermal stress on subsequent development of preimplantation murine embryo cell types. J. Anim. Sci. (Suppl. 1) 68:31 *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.